TMCP 594: SEMA Show 2024 Special #3 — Rick Love vintage Air, Meguires Protection Products, RoadTek battery powered jacks, Dominic Olsen Big O Customs Battle of the builders, Fine Lines Brake Line Kits,

SEMA Show 2024 Special #3 — Rick Love vintage Air, Meguires Protection Products, RoadTek battery powered jacks, Dominic Olsen Big O Customs Battle of the builders, Fine Lines Brake Line Kits,
TMCP #580: Rick Love – Vintage Air Summer Special – Join The Vintage Air Road Tour Headed To Goodguys Iowa! New Technology Air Conditioning For Your Classic Ride!

This week I had the extreme pleasure to once again talk to Vintage Air President Rick Love. Vintage Air has been a long time sponsor of this show, and chances are you have a Vintage Air system (or many Vintage Air parts) in your current ride. Their name is synonymous with hot rod air conditioning (and heating), much like Kleenex is to tissues! As always though the company is only a representation of the people behind it and in it and Rick Love has been there since 1998 earning the company awards for service, support and technology!
TMCP #578: Fifteen Years Of The Muscle Car Place With Jeff Allison – How To Build Cars And Gain A Family

This week marks the fifteenth anniversary of The Musclecar Place podcast and all of the adventures that have ensued since then. Fifteen years ago I had a dream to start a radio show where I could talk about fast classic cars and meet people that build, race or buy and sell those vehicles. The one “guest” that has been on the show more than any of them, and has had a bigger impact than all of them, is Jeff Allison. Jeff is the one that stepped up and took a huge chance and changed both of our lives forever. In this interview we take a trip down memory lane and recollect how we met and built a race car that went to SEMA and made a family out of a podcast.
TMCP #559: SEMA Show 2023 Special #2: Ron Francis Wiring, Scott Bowers Goes Racing! – Cam Douglass, OPTIMA Series – Chris Douglas, CEO of Edelbrock Group:Racing and When to Move on to the Next Level -Wayne Perdue, JEGS, 35 Years of Speed Parts – Rick Love, Vintage Air, New Fox Body Mustang Systems!

TMCP #559: SEMA Show 2023 Special #2: Ron Francis Wiring, Scott Bowers Goes Racing! – Cam Douglas, OPTIMA Series – Chris Douglas, CEO of Edelbrock Group:Racing and When to Move on to the Next Level -Wayne Perdue, JEGS, 35 Years of Speed Parts – Rick Love, Vintage Air, New Fox Body Mustang Systems!
TMCP #541: Topher McGinnis – The Headlight Motor Man Can! Restoration for Hidden Headlights, Open to Close!

This week our guest was Topher McGinnis, otherwise known as the “Headlight Motor man.” He is the person in the vast world of “MOPAR hidden headlight restoration” and has found a unique way to service a very specific segment of the restoration industry. I didn’t ask him specifically about non MOPAR applications, but I’m sure he’d be willing to help give advice one way or the other!
TMCP #540: Vintage Air, Rick Love – How To Keep Your Cool In The Hot Summer Days Ahead – Preserving Old Cars And Trucks To Enjoy Into The Future

This week I had the extreme pleasure to once again talk to Vintage Air President Rick Love. Vintage Air has been a long time sponsor of this show, and chances are you have a Vintage Air system (or many Vintage Air parts) in your current ride. Their name is synonymous with hot rod air conditioning (and heating), much like Kleenex is to tissues! As always though the company is only a representation of the people behind it and in it. Rick Love has been there since 1998, but has an even deeper history than that with the company.
TMCP #535: Dan Kahn of Kahn Media – The 2023 State of the Nation of the Automotive Aftermarket!

TMCP #535: Dan Kahn of Kahn Media – The 2023 State of the Nation of the Automotive Aftermarket!
TMCP #525: SEMA Show 2022 Special #3: Ron Francis Wiring Pro-Touring Update with Larry Callahan, Rick Love-New Gen 5 Vintage Air, Acme HP Lab with Solid Axle LX Conversion, Dave Smith Factory Five Racing PreRunner Chassis for Ford F150

TMCP #525: SEMA Show 2022 Special #3: Ron Francis Wiring Pro-Touring Update with Larry Callahan, Rick Love-New Gen 5 Vintage Air, Acme HP Lab with Solid Axle LX Conversion, Dave Smith Factory Five Racing PreRunner Chassis for Ford F150!
TMCP #504: Rick Love from Vintage Air; Re-inventing Class Car A/C, Electric Compressor Evaluations, and Killer Hot Rod!

Every spring, when the weather starts to get warm, I like to talk to Rick Love, President of Vintage Air about new cold air products and technical details of the add on systems. Rick is an amazing resource and a leader, not only in air conditioning but in the automotive aftermarket as a whole. At the 2021 SEMA show he was inducted into the SEMA hall of fame for his lifetime of work in the industry!
TMCP #472: Rick Love on Keeping Hot Rods and Muscle Cars Cool with Vintage Air; Craig Morrison Tribute

This week, marks the official return of summer and the one interview you can count on, Rick Love of Vintage Air! Rick has been on the show going back to episode 144 and Vintage Air was key in providing the Chevelle with its crisp cool breeze. I look forward to seeing Rick at SEMA every year. 2020 was a full year for us all, but especially Rick. He is now the President of Vintage Air and will soon be inducted into the SEMA Hall of fame!
I also asked Rick to speak on the state of the aftermarket as a whole in light of 2020’s effects on everything (supply chain, material costs, shipping, etc.) and discuss the rise in quality we’ve seen the past 10 years for parts in general. In addition I had hoped he could speak to the impact and legacy of the late Craig Morrison…..which he did gracefully. Craig and his father Art worked hand in hand in growing Art Morrison Enterprises of course, but Craig was a friend to all. He’ll be deeply missed and our sympathies go out to his wife, son, parents, and all extended family and friends.