K&F Show #152: Kibbe’s Going to Bobby Ore Stunt Driver School; Dukes of Hazzard S5E9 Review “Enos in Trouble”

Holley is the official EFI source for Kibbe and Friends and is the PROUD sponsor of this episode! Their Terminator Stealth system on my General Lee is killing it. There’s a BRAND NEW MOPAR EVENT listed on their website that you need to save the date for as well: Sept 18-20 in Bowling Green, KY. Hint – there’s a General Lee jump! https://www.moparty.com
This episode also presented by Big Red Camaro! Tune in to Amazon Prime to watch Season 2 of the Big Red Series. We will do some giveaways of the Build Book next month using clues from the series!
K&F Show News: First of all….we understand that this show is a timely release during a tough time in our country. We discuss what you think we’re going to discuss in here (the confederate flag) as best we can. Also discussed….a bucket list dream for Kibbe is about to come true. He’s going to Bobby Ore Stunt Driver School this weekend! Listen in for details!
Dukes Review: “Enos in Trouble” Say what you will about these Coy and Vance episodes, but the stunts are totally awesome and off the charts. We can barely recall what this episode was actually about, but it matters not. The General jumps a water truck, a log, some construction equipment, and each time successfully lands in our hearts. Paux Baxley episodes are light on plot and heavy on flying cars. We approve.
Patreon Peeps, the year 2020 will be an important one for Patreon specifically, and we have decided to retire the $1 and $2 levels completely. If you’re still at those levels you can keep them – but if you’d consider jumping up to the $5 level it would sure help. The $10 level will remain and we now have a brand new $20 level as well! All members who join at that level will receive a sticker swag pack in the mail, you’ll be IMMEDIATELY entered in the monthly prize grab, and you’ll receive a phone call from one (or all) of us to chat up whatever you want for 30 minutes!
Thank you SO MUCH to those of you who have joined in for the extra content that is only for Patreon supporters. To get in on the action and support the show with a minor financial contribution just click the link below to sign up. http://www.patreon.com/kfshow
K&F Show #149: Build Updates, News You Need, and Holley’s MOPARTY Info; Dukes of Hazzard S5E7 Review “Vance’s Lady”

Holley is the official EFI source for Kibbe and Friends and is the PROUD sponsor of this episode! Their Terminator Stealth system on my General Lee is killing it. There’s a BRAND NEW MOPAR EVENT listed on their website that you need to save the date for as well: Sept 18-20 in Bowling Green, KY. Hint – there’s a General Lee jump! https://www.moparty.com
This episode also presented by Big Red Camaro! Tune in to Amazon Prime to watch Season 2 of the Big Red Series. We will do some giveaways of the Build Book next month using clues from the series!
Dukes Review: “Vance’s Lady” So…this is a Coy and Vance episode, but it’s also an homage to Smokey and the Bandit as well as every Hallmark Christmas movie. Rosco’s car loses its top, fenders, quarters, etc Buford T Justice style. Vance reunites with his lost love, the city gal with the sophisticated lifestyle who wants to get back with the simpleton yet confident and rugged small town guy she lost. Boss eats a pizza (in a car with no roof or windshield), ribs, and possibly a a suitcase. Vance’s chick is running from a crooked politician who was stealing public funds, so feel free to assign your political party if choice to that one. I think that there is a confirmed sighting of the Forever Young General Lee in this one too. Otherwise, the episode is….meh. .
Patreon Peeps, the year 2020 will be an important one for Patreon specifically, and we have decided to retire the $1 and $2 levels completely. If you’re still at those levels you can keep them – but if you’d consider jumping up to the $5 level it would sure help. The $10 level will remain and we now have a brand new $20 level as well! All members who join at that level will receive a sticker swag pack in the mail, you’ll be IMMEDIATELY entered in the monthly prize grab, and you’ll receive a phone call from one (or all) of us to chat up whatever you want for 30 minutes!
Thank you SO MUCH to those of you who have joined in for the extra content that is only for Patreon supporters. To get in on the action and support the show with a minor financial contribution just click the link below to sign up. http://www.patreon.com/kfshow
TMCP #424: Josh Oliver and Tony Huntimer; Showcasing The Rise and Life of Big Red – The World’s Most Famous ’69 Camaro

This weeks guests are Josh Oliver and Tony Huntimer from “Team Big Red Camaro”, possibly the world’s most famous ’69 Camaro and a car and driver combination that has somehow become an institution in it’s own right. This interview is the story of how a car and driver – that aren’t interested in racing professionally – are 30 years into being the biggest baddest paradigm changing racing team ever!
TMCP #317: Benjamin Hunting: The Magical Life and Times of a Freelance Automotive Journalist; Larry Callahan on Dinosaurs Autocrossing Ford Broncos!

Subscribe in iTunes Listen in Stitcher ====================================================== FEATURE INTERVIEW: Benjamin Hunting Freelance Automotive Journalist This weeks interview is with freelance automotive journalist and fellow podcaster Benjamin Hunting. Benjamin has written for many magazines including Tow Times, ICON Plc (medical) and Roadkill. He decided to work for himself and be the master of his future instead of […]
TMCP #268: SEMA 2015 Show #3 – RJ Gottlieb with the Old and New Big Red Camaro, Mitch Williams on the Business Landscape of the Aftermarket Industry, and Chandler Wheat on the Next Generation of Car People!

SEMA 2015 Show #3 – RJ Gottlieb with the Old and New Big Red Camaro, Mitch Williams on the Business Landscape of the Aftermarket Industry, and Chandler Wheat on the Next Generation of Car People!
TMCP #260: The Big Gamble Worked! The Return of Jeff Allison with Jeremy McLellan’s New ’66 Chevelle Build!

The Big Gamble Worked! The Return of Jeff Allison with Jeremy McLellan’s New ’66 Chevelle Build!
TMCP #253: Muscle Car Royalty: RJ Gottlieb and Big Red Camaro!

The Real story of R.J., Big Red, and 20 Years of Dominating the Muscle Car landscape!