TMCP #508: Pro-Touring Update with Larry Callahan – Event Schedule Updates…and is Hiring!

The official start of summer is next week and what better time for a new Pro-Touring Update with Mr. Larry Callahan! This week I get to find out what he has been up to over the last three months. It is always an education in technology and fast cars and I look forward to each quarterly get together.
TMCP #470: Pro-touring update with Larry Callahan – THE BIG EVENTS ARE ALL BACK!

Larry Callahan is back for the second quarterly Pro-Touring Update for 2021! He has the latest information directly from the pages of and he gave me an update on his tech laden, power stuffed, cutting edge, classic muscle, home projects! The big news is that the event list for 2022 is at full force; more events are back than ever!
TMCP #387: Warren Customs: Making the General Lee (Dodge Charger) Great Again!

In this episode Nathan Warren came on to talk about the “season two” updates to my General Lee. It has been a year since Nathan came on the show to talk about the formation and goals of his business….and then offered to showcase his abilities by helping me to convert my car to a screen accurate version of how it would have appeared in Season 2 of the Dukes of Hazzard! Well, fast forward a year, and the car is now there and is in his capable hands. This episode is the update of everything related!
TMCP#326: Jason Luebcke, Hang Time Racing, and Sponsorship Fastlane – PT Update with Larry Callahan

Jason Luebke is on this week talking autocross, family racing, and Sponsorship Fastlane. He explains how he used the sponsorship training course, along with some of his own ideas to start a sponsored autocross racing team.