TMCP #424: Josh Oliver and Tony Huntimer; Showcasing The Rise and Life of Big Red – The World’s Most Famous ’69 Camaro

This weeks guests are Josh Oliver and Tony Huntimer from “Team Big Red Camaro”, possibly the world’s most famous ’69 Camaro and a car and driver combination that has somehow become an institution in it’s own right. This interview is the story of how a car and driver – that aren’t interested in racing professionally – are 30 years into being the biggest baddest paradigm changing racing team ever!
TMCP #419: Ryan Brutt, The Auto Archaeologist, A Deep Dive Into Finding Forgotten Cars – Pro-Touring Update, Big Red Camaro and RJ Gottlieb special interview

This week is a returning fan favorite friend of the show, Ryan Brutt. It is always great talking to Ryan and in this interview he does an even deeper dive into how he finds cars and yet still protect the owners from the endless calls that his pictures would definitely generate.
Ryan has long had a love of cars and a great joy in the hunt of hidden automotive treasures. His quest has led to meeting many people and helping a great majority of them to either start the restoration they have put off for year, or sell it to a worthy buyer who will treat it with respect and love.
This episode of the Pro-Touring update is a great interview with RJ Gottlieb discussing everything Big Red Camaro related. I previously interviewed RJ five years ago in Episode 253 and I knew we had to do it again. RJ covers rebuilding the car and even previous to that, the evolution from stock vehicle to full tube frame chassis and Nascar parts.
TMCP #268: SEMA 2015 Show #3 – RJ Gottlieb with the Old and New Big Red Camaro, Mitch Williams on the Business Landscape of the Aftermarket Industry, and Chandler Wheat on the Next Generation of Car People!

SEMA 2015 Show #3 – RJ Gottlieb with the Old and New Big Red Camaro, Mitch Williams on the Business Landscape of the Aftermarket Industry, and Chandler Wheat on the Next Generation of Car People!