K&F Show #248: New Year’s 2023 Car Dreams – Corndog’s Pick for the Dukes Review – S1E7 “Luke’s Love Story”

Presented with Holley! Christmas is over and it’s time to look forward to spring break. How about April 28-30 in Las Vegas at Holley LS Fest West?? If an LS based (or current generation LT V8) engine is powering your ride or if you are considering a swap to LS power, this is your event! Race cars, street rods, muscle cars, trucks, late models, drift cars, prerunners, Ultra 4 buggies – you name it, if it is powered by an LS/LT there will be something here for you! Take part in the Drag Racing classes, Autocross, 3S Challenge, Show-N-Shine, Sac Speed Shop Donut Pit, Dyno Challenge, Road Course Challenge, off road Dirt Destruction and more!
Just visit Holley.com to peruse and view for yourself and be SURE to tell them that we sent you!
Corndog’s Dukes Review: Well, this is kinda how I see it… y’all are all about some Hallmark movies this time of year… so this was about the closest thing to it….“An independent strong-willed girl comes to town… she falls in love with a local boy who is sometime wild and hard to tame. He falls in love with her too, but knows that it’s gonna be hard to change his ways and settle down. But wait… ole girl’s ex-boyfriend followed her into town and doesn’t want to see the new relationship flourish! So local wild boy steps in to protect ole girl and save her honor. They kiss… tell each other how much they love each other…… and then she skips town, never to be seen or heard of again”.
Patreon Peeps, the year 20232 will be an important one for Patreon specifically, and if you’d consider jumping up to the $5 level it would sure help. The $10 level will remain and we now have a brand new $20 level as well! All members who join at that level will receive a sticker swag pack in the mail, you’ll be IMMEDIATELY entered in the monthly prize grab, and you’ll receive a phone call from one (or all) of us to chat up whatever you want for 30 minutes! Thank you SO MUCH to those of you who have joined in for the extra content that is only for Patreon supporters. To get in on the action and support the show with a minor financial contribution just click the link below to sign up. http://www.patreon.com/kfshow.
Click to join our super secret KF Show Only listener email list..just in case we get blocked from every social and podcast platform! https://forms.aweber.com/form/48/1311263948.htm
K&F Show #229: The Independence Day Spectacular! – Dukes of Hazzard Review S7E13 “The Haunting of J.D. Hogg”

Presented with Holley! If you’re planning to do an EFI conversion Holley has a baffled EFI in-tank-pump equipped option ready to go for you! Remember, stock tanks meant for carburetors initially weren’t baffled, meaning a little sloshy-slosh here and there was inevitable (and for a carb with a fuel bowl, not a big deal). EFI requires a constant high pressure fuel supply, and an in-tank pump in the confines of a baffled fuel tank is the best way to go for drivability AND performance. The OEM’s have done that for 30 years!
Dukes Review: This is the first episode to release in 1985….and by this point in the show, the series was actually over. Filming had ceased. Actors were looking for new jobs. General Lee’s were sitting idly, waiting for a young Corndog to document them, knowing that there were 27 General Lee’s at the time and he stashed 8 of them for himself to find when he grew up. Tom Wopat directs the episode and – like his previous episodes – really gives fan service, interesting camera angles, and always establishes where the General is. There are no miniatures used of any kind – only recycled footage of jumps and new wrecks. At the end everyone is on scene together and happy. Rosco is over the top funny. It’s a really nice episode. White there are no new jumps, there are new stunts in it – including a big General Lee wreck that is potentially that last GL to be wrecked on screen. But I have to admit…it kind of seems like a goodbye.
8 Corndogs.
Patreon Peeps, the year 2022 will be an important one for Patreon specifically, and if you’d consider jumping up to the $5 level it would sure help. The $10 level will remain and we now have a brand new $20 level as well! All members who join at that level will receive a sticker swag pack in the mail, you’ll be IMMEDIATELY entered in the monthly prize grab, and you’ll receive a phone call from one (or all) of us to chat up whatever you want for 30 minutes! Thank you SO MUCH to those of you who have joined in for the extra content that is only for Patreon supporters. To get in on the action and support the show with a minor financial contribution just click the link below to sign up. http://www.patreon.com/kfshow.
Click to join our super secret KF Show Only listener email list..just in case we get blocked from every social and podcast platform! https://forms.aweber.com/form/48/1311263948.htm
K&F Show #228: #KibbeLee Father’s Day 180’s! – Summer Movie Review with Ryan Brutt “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off”

Presented with Holley! Add this to your birthday list – last Christmas Holley has just release their brand new RetroBright LED headlight packages that blend classic, sealed-beam looks with modern, LED performance. Available in multiple sizes, shapes, and color temperatures, RetroBright headlights are the perfect way to add brightness and safety to your ride, without compromising aesthetics. Best yet, RetroBright lights incorporate plug-and-play-style pig tails which easily connect to the OEM vehicle wiring harness with no cutting or splicing required. It’s an easy upgrade, adds a ton of safety and drivability to your ride, and most importantly (if we’re honest) looks super-duper cool. Also to be sure to pick up a few speed goodies for yourself at Visit Holley.com and make SURE you tell them we sent you!
Movie Review: Ferris Bueller’s Day off is the tale of one high school hero who truly had it all; looks, brains, money, friends, a smokin’ hot girlfriend, popularity, style, and panache. However, despite all of that he still lacked the two things that he needed most….a day off, and a car! This is the tale of Ferris Bueller, the 4th wall breaking, Ferrari stealing, John Hughes immortal movie hit of 1986. Like nearly every other John Hughes tale the setting of the story was the Chicago suburbs!
The Ferrari in the film is supposed to be a 1961 Ferrari 250 GT California. The insert shots of emblems and wheels really are of the genuine article, but absolutely everything else was a faker-oo Modena Spyder replica (three of them, actually). Ferrari was none too happy with this movie and sued Modena out of business. Most reports show that the Ford powered replicas were ham-fisted together, ran poorly, and broke down often. In fact our man Ryan Brutt (The Auto Archaeologist) joined in to share the tales of the man that keep the fake Ferrari’s running during the movie filming; his dad!
10 Corndogs.
Patreon Peeps, the year 2022 will be an important one for Patreon specifically, and if you’d consider jumping up to the $5 level it would sure help. The $10 level will remain and we now have a brand new $20 level as well! All members who join at that level will receive a sticker swag pack in the mail, you’ll be IMMEDIATELY entered in the monthly prize grab, and you’ll receive a phone call from one (or all) of us to chat up whatever you want for 30 minutes! Thank you SO MUCH to those of you who have joined in for the extra content that is only for Patreon supporters. To get in on the action and support the show with a minor financial contribution just click the link below to sign up. http://www.patreon.com/kfshow.
Click to join our super secret KF Show Only listener email list..just in case we get blocked from every social and podcast platform! https://forms.aweber.com/form/48/1311263948.htm
K&F Show #221: Easter Candy Rundown By State; Dukes of Hazzard S7E07 Review “Cool Hands, Luke & Bo””

Presented with Holley! Be sure to get signed up for LSFest West asap if you live west of the Mississippi. Visit LSFest.com for details, and visit Holley.com to buy a few toys for yourself and make SURE you tell them we sent you!
Dukes Review: Before I say the following about this season 7 episode, there are two miniature jumps in this episode and that makes me sad. And then there is a real jump that’s redeeming, but it’s recycled. And the General Lee is barely in this episode, which is bad. But with all that said, this episode is awesome. It’s not Season 2-3 magic, it’s no Carnival of Thills, it’s not the one where Bo got amnesia and thought he was Boss Hogg’s son, it’s certainly not Happy Birthday General Lee…..but this is a really great episode.
Summary: Bo and Luke get caught by some corrupt southern law, and that corrupt southern law does what it does best…..show off. They get sentenced to a road gang, in fact, and while it’s certainly fully intended to be a Cool Hand Luke ripoff, it works! They escape, wrongs are righted; the end.
From a production standpoint this episode is really terrific. It gives us outstanding REAL FOOTAGE SCENES of John and Tom driving…..and the General saves the day with Catherine Bach behind the wheel. The acting in this episode is so believable, so real, you will almost forget you’re watching the Dukes of Hazzard. Almost.
9 Season 7 Corndogs (Note: Season 7 Corndogs have ⅓ o ½ the value of other seasons Corndogs.)
Patreon Peeps, the year 2022 will be an important one for Patreon specifically, and if you’d consider jumping up to the $5 level it would sure help. The $10 level will remain and we now have a brand new $20 level as well! All members who join at that level will receive a sticker swag pack in the mail, you’ll be IMMEDIATELY entered in the monthly prize grab, and you’ll receive a phone call from one (or all) of us to chat up whatever you want for 30 minutes! Thank you SO MUCH to those of you who have joined in for the extra content that is only for Patreon supporters. To get in on the action and support the show with a minor financial contribution just click the link below to sign up. http://www.patreon.com/kfshow.
Click to join our super secret KF Show Only listener email list..just in case we get blocked from every social and podcast platform! https://forms.aweber.com/form/48/1311263948.htm
TMCP #501: SEMA’s Colby Martin – What is the Low Volume Motor Vehicle Manufacturers Act All About?

This week I spoke to Colby Martin of the SEMA Action Network to get all of the nitty gritty details on the Low Volume Motor Vehicle Manufacturers Act. The news of the act finally being able to move forward after 7 long years of it becoming law has been huge! Specifically, it now means that a licensed replica vehicle manufacturer can build up to 325 replica “classic” cars per year! Unlike current replica and “kit” cars, the customer can purchase it fully completed (running/driving) and register it in their own state accordingly. It’ll look and feel just like the original, but there is one catch; it has to be emissions compliant with “modern standards!” Clear as mud, right? Colby was here to sort out the minutia of it all.
TMCP #495: Chris Holstrom – The Ins and Outs of Selling Custom Cars at the BIG Auctions!

Our guest this week is Chris Holstrom from Chris Holstrom Concepts. Chris is a long time friend of the show and his shop is known for creating some of the most beautiful, award winning, and subtle muscle cars and customs around. He recently represented a client’s gorgeous 1964 Corvette at the Barrett Jackson auction in Scottsdale…..and in his words he “learned a lot” from it in regards to how the process of selling at a highly watched auction works! In this episode he’s going to share the lessons he learned, good, bad, etc. as well as what he plans to do when he does it all again (and he’s going to).
K&F Show #212: Corndog’s Recipe for a Dirty Mary Crazy Larry Replica: Car Movie Review “Grumpy Old Men”

Presented with Holley! Visit Holley.com and make SURE you tell them we sent you!
Movie Review: What do you get when you combine 2 great actors with amazing chemistry, comedic timing, a woman to fight over, a REEEEEALY old man to make horrible inappropriate jokes, a Minnesota winter at Christmastime, and elderly jokes a mile long? One of the most perfect movies ever made – Grumpy Old Men. It’s Walter Matthau and Jack Lemmon fighting over Anne Margeret, making the same kind of dumb jokes that guys never – and I mean EVER – get sick of telling.
Now – this is an automotive and pop culture podcast of course – and there are plenty o cars in this movie….which might be the problem with it, maybe the only flaw in fact. The star cars are a 68 Dodge Polara and a ‘74 International Harvester Travelall, but don’t forget the 83 Pontiac Grand Prix and the red 1980 Chevy Citation – all of which in this movie are rust free, and all of which in Minnesota would have had 4 wheels in the ground by the time they were 7 years old. They salt cars in the Midwest like Bernie on a Tuesday morning bacon bender. 10 corndogs. Plus 2.
Patreon Peeps, the year 2022 will be an important one for Patreon specifically, and if you’d consider jumping up to the $5 level it would sure help. The $10 level will remain and we now have a brand new $20 level as well! All members who join at that level will receive a sticker swag pack in the mail, you’ll be IMMEDIATELY entered in the monthly prize grab, and you’ll receive a phone call from one (or all) of us to chat up whatever you want for 30 minutes! Thank you SO MUCH to those of you who have joined in for the extra content that is only for Patreon supporters. To get in on the action and support the show with a minor financial contribution just click the link below to sign up. http://www.patreon.com/kfshow.
Click to join our super secret KF Show Only listener email list..just in case we get blocked from every social and podcast platform! https://forms.aweber.com/form/48/1311263948.htm
K&F Show #201: Holley MOPARTY Preview!

Presented with Holley! The fall Holley events of LS Fest, MoParty, and Intergalactic Ford Festival are all going to happen…and registration will open soon. Visit http://bit.ly/KAFS_Holley_Events to read up on all three events. Book your vacation time off work NOW!
KF SHOW Summary: This is it! The 2021 Holley MOPARTY Event is now upon us and this show is the full rundown! As of today (Sept 14) we’ve been given all the inside info on the event size, special guests, and comparisons to 2020. In short – it’s bigger (much bigger) – and is coming off a RECORD SETTING LS Fest event! This is going to be huge. Wing cars, flying General Lees, Cop Cars, ph my! Look for Kibbe Lee and Corndog’s Black ’66 Charger in the Holley booth! See you soon….
Patreon Peeps, the year 2021 will be an important one for Patreon specifically, and if you’d consider jumping up to the $5 level it would sure help. The $10 level will remain and we now have a brand new $20 level as well! All members who join at that level will receive a sticker swag pack in the mail, you’ll be IMMEDIATELY entered in the monthly prize grab, and you’ll receive a phone call from one (or all) of us to chat up whatever you want for 30 minutes! Thank you SO MUCH to those of you who have joined in for the extra content that is only for Patreon supporters. To get in on the action and support the show with a minor financial contribution just click the link below to sign up. http://www.patreon.com/kfshow.
Kibbe invented a product! Well, a team of buddies and Kibbe invented a product…and finally launched it. It only took 10 years and it’s not for cars at all. It’s for baseball! Check it out: https://www.magictee.io
Click to join our super secret KF Show Only listener email list..just in case we get blocked from every social and podcast platform! https://forms.aweber.com/form/48/1311263948.htm
TMCP #472: Rick Love on Keeping Hot Rods and Muscle Cars Cool with Vintage Air; Craig Morrison Tribute

This week, marks the official return of summer and the one interview you can count on, Rick Love of Vintage Air! Rick has been on the show going back to episode 144 and Vintage Air was key in providing the Chevelle with its crisp cool breeze. I look forward to seeing Rick at SEMA every year. 2020 was a full year for us all, but especially Rick. He is now the President of Vintage Air and will soon be inducted into the SEMA Hall of fame!
I also asked Rick to speak on the state of the aftermarket as a whole in light of 2020’s effects on everything (supply chain, material costs, shipping, etc.) and discuss the rise in quality we’ve seen the past 10 years for parts in general. In addition I had hoped he could speak to the impact and legacy of the late Craig Morrison…..which he did gracefully. Craig and his father Art worked hand in hand in growing Art Morrison Enterprises of course, but Craig was a friend to all. He’ll be deeply missed and our sympathies go out to his wife, son, parents, and all extended family and friends.
TMCP #460: Damon Sampson – Why MAST Motorsports is the LS and LT Powerhouse!

FEATURE INTERVIEWS: Damon Sampson: Why MAST Motorsports is the LS and LT Powerhouse! In the past 15 years many engine companies have come and gone, but Horace Mast’s “MAST Motorsports” became the go-to place for many top builders and racers to source their extra hot LS engines (and today, LT engines). While nothing speaks higher […]