TMCP #544 : Larry Callahan Pro-Touring Update – SEMA Dinner Update, Summer Racing Events, and The Return of MotiV8r!

It is time once again for the quarterly Pro-Touring Update, Presented by Ron Francis Wiring, and starring Mr. Larry Callahan! The focus of this update is to get updates of what is going on with Larry and The Pro-Touring community as well as getting the inside scoop on upcoming Pro-Touring (autocross) events in the June to August time frame.
TMCP #461: Pro-Touring Update with Larry Callahan – Spring Autocross and Pro-Touring Events for 2021!

Larry Callahan is back! For 2021 Larry will be joining us quarterly in a feature interview to bring the latest Pro-Touring event information straight from Larry is the “OG” of the Pro-Touring social media movement and a dear friend. You can take what he says to the bank!
Upcoming Events: Larry was able to get a comprehensive list of events for this quarter and I have posted it below. He also said he would be adding links to it and hosting it on the website. It is exciting to see so many events listed including many that are brand new while some events are older established events that are going to see a huge upswing in interest due to pent up frustration. It will be very interesting to see what new vehicles emerge freshly built and ready to race as well as old familiar vehicles with new updates bursting forth from sequestering garages. People are anxious to use their cars after a completely missed summer in 2020 and this year will be the one to watch and attend.
TMCP #364: Ron Francis Wiring’s Super Cool Coyote Powered SVO Mustang; Pro-Touring Update with Larry Callahan

In this episode of TMCP our feature guest is the owner and president of Ron Francis Wiring, Scott Bowers. Scott is a huge supporter of the show I have come to know him and look forward to every time we can get together. He and the staff at Ron Francis are car fanatics with a passion for electronics who enjoy putting their products on the road.
This year the Hot Rod Power Tour introduced the Sponsors Shootout for manufacturers to participate in featuring drag racing, auto crossing and the long haul road trip all without changing tires or swapping parts on the vehicles. Scott thought this would be a great time to showcase the new car they just put together. The Ron Francis Wiring team built a 1984 Mustang SVO and put a Coyote engine in it. After developing the engine harness for sale, there were many parts lying around the research lab and of course this was the perfect excuse to try it all out in a very cool event.
TMCP #286: Dan Kahn is Back! What You Need to Know about Marketing and Opportunity in the Aftermarket – Plus the Pro Touring Update!

Dan Kahn is Back! What You Need to Know about Marketing and Opportunity in the Aftermarket – Plus the Pro Touring Update!