TMCP #386: Mike Fadel of Streetside Classics; Consigning Cars and Beating the Auctions – Ask Rick; Is There Value of Having Your Car Judged?

In this episode I spoke once again to friend of the show Mike Fadel, Director of Sales and Consignments at Streetside Classics. Streetside has made a major impact for both buyers and sellers of collector cars, muscle cars and otherwise by going strictly consignment and by utilizing massive amounts of data to fine tune where cars cab be bought and sold. And….it’s working! In just the last few years they’ve been growing at a rapid rate and I wanted to see if he could give me the hottest look at what 2019 holds.
Ask Rick: On this edition of Ask Rick Rick shared the final results from the recent AACA show in Ocala and regarding the judging of his 1955 Pontiac Star Chief specifically. He told me it passed with no issues! He went on to say that prior to AACA judging he did correct quite a few things with the car and he would be proud to enter it even into a Pontiac specific show. The vehicle specific shows are a bit different than AACA since the people that judge are specialists in those cars specifically where an AACA judge has a breadth of knowledge regarding all makes and models. The AACA shows do a great job of judging overall quality of a vehicle as a collector car and is something to look for when purchasing a car.
TMCP #333: Mike Fadel on How Streetside Classics Sells with No Consignment Fee – Pro-Touring Update with Larry Callahan

Mike Fadel on How Streetside Classics Sells with No Consignment Fee – Pro-Touring Update with Larry Callahan
TMCP #306: Mike Fadel on Buying and Selling Dream Cars at Streetside Classics; Larry Callahan’s Pro-Touring Update on the 2016 GoodGuys Autocross Finale Results!

Mike Fadel on Buying and Selling Dream Cars at Streetside Classics; Larry Callahan’s Pro-Touring Update on the 2016 GoodGuys Autocross Finale Results!