TMCP #304: SEMA 2016 Show #2 – Rich Waitas of Magnaflow, Lance Stander of Superformance, and The Amazing Ring Brothers!
This weeks interviews are again, LIVE from the show floor at SEMA 2016. This second episode is with The Ring Brothers Mike and Jim, Rich Waitas from Magnaflow, and Lance Stander, CEO of Superformance. This was a very fun show to record.
TMCP #267: SEMA 2015 Show #2 – Legendary Car Builder Bodie Stroud, Magnaflow’s Rich Waitas, and Super-Hero Action Sport Driver Vaughn Gittin!
Legendary Car Builder Bodie Stroud, Magnaflow’s Rich Waitus, and Super-Hero Action Sport Driver Vaughn Gittin!
What your muscle car wants for Christmas
Since Christmas is just around the corner it’s time to think about the gifts you’ll get your loved ones. Your muscle car should most definitely be on that list below your kids, but possibly tied with your dog. Here are the Top 3 three things he (or she) wants from the Santa this year! 1) […]