K&F Show #254: The REAL Story of the Wheelstander General Lee; Kibbe Suspended (For One Show)!

Presented with Holley! It’s time to look forward to spring break. How about April 28-30 in Las Vegas at Holley LS Fest West?? If an LS based (or current generation LT V8) engine is powering your ride or if you are considering a swap to LS power, this is your event! Race cars, street rods, muscle cars, trucks, late models, drift cars, prerunners, Ultra 4 buggies – you name it, if it is powered by an LS/LT there will be something here for you! Just visit Holley.com to peruse and view for yourself and be SURE to tell them that we sent you!
Friends, after the debacle in the February Patreon Show our man Corndog put Kibbe on suspension for one single show. Luckily it was with full pay, full benefits, and zero accountability. Kibbe will be back next week! In the meantime, as many of you have requested, pull up a chair around Uncle Corndog to hear the REAL story of the Wheelstander General Lee, built by Richard Sephton at the tail end of the filming of the Dukes of Hazzard TV series. This is the REAL story of the car….and is a little different than what you hear recently on the VinWiki YouTube channel.
National Parts Depot Presents: Bernie on the News! https://www.npdlink.com/
Patreon Peeps, the year 2023 will be an important one for Patreon specifically, and if you’d consider jumping up to the $5 level it would sure help. The $10 level will remain and we now have a brand new $20 level as well! All members who join at that level will receive a sticker swag pack in the mail, you’ll be IMMEDIATELY entered in the monthly prize grab, and you’ll receive a phone call from one (or all) of us to chat up whatever you want for 30 minutes! Thank you SO MUCH to those of you who have joined in for the extra content that is only for Patreon supporters. To get in on the action and support the show with a minor financial contribution just click the link below to sign up. http://www.patreon.com/kfshow.
Click to join our super secret KF Show Only listener email list..just in case we get blocked from every social and podcast platform! https://forms.aweber.com/form/48/1311263948.htm
K&F Show #249: Feature Interview with Tom Wopat, Car Movies in 2023, and National Parts Depot Presents Bernie (and the News)!

Presented with Holley! Christmas is over and it’s time to look forward to spring break. How about April 28-30 in Las Vegas at Holley LS Fest West?? If an LS based (or current generation LT V8) engine is powering your ride or if you are considering a swap to LS power, this is your event! Race cars, street rods, muscle cars, trucks, late models, drift cars, prerunners, Ultra 4 buggies – you name it, if it is powered by an LS/LT there will be something here for you! Just visit Holley.com to peruse and view for yourself and be SURE to tell them that we sent you!
Tom Wopat is here! With our man Corndog gone this week (to do “parenting” stuff) we knew we had to do something big….so we replaced him with Dukes of Hazzard legend Tom Wopat! Well….actually, we after last week’s show we realized that, like Corndog, Tom’s favorite seasons of the Dukes dated back to Season 1 as well for most of the same reasons. So, it seemed only fitting to replay his one and only appearance on our show from 2019 (Episode 102). Tom went from being a farm-kid in Wisconsin dreaming of playing for the Green Bay Packers, to being a lead on Broadway, becoming Luke Duke, and back to Broadway. There’s something for everyone in here – and plenty of Dukes insight as well!
National Parts Depot Presents: Bernie on the News: Also in this episode….the good people at National Parts Depot have to decided 2023 is the year to present the Award Winning Newsman Bernie McPartland in his (self-proclaimed) award winning news segment, Bernie On the News. As most of you know, NPD is the title sponsor of The MuscleCar Place Podcast and has been since 2011. Their immense support of TMCP as a show (and as a company) can’t be overshadowed. And now, the fact that they are presenting Bern in the drivers seat for the world to hear….is somewhat humbling. And by humbling, we mean frightening, terrifying, sickening, etc. Welcome, NPD (and Bern, don’t screw this up)!
Patreon Peeps, the year 20232 will be an important one for Patreon specifically, and if you’d consider jumping up to the $5 level it would sure help. The $10 level will remain and we now have a brand new $20 level as well! All members who join at that level will receive a sticker swag pack in the mail, you’ll be IMMEDIATELY entered in the monthly prize grab, and you’ll receive a phone call from one (or all) of us to chat up whatever you want for 30 minutes! Thank you SO MUCH to those of you who have joined in for the extra content that is only for Patreon supporters. To get in on the action and support the show with a minor financial contribution just click the link below to sign up. http://www.patreon.com/kfshow.
Click to join our super secret KF Show Only listener email list..just in case we get blocked from every social and podcast platform! https://forms.aweber.com/form/48/1311263948.htm
K&F Show #240: The General Lee Returns to TV! Full Review – The Dukes of Hazzard: Reunion!

Presented with Holley! Phase 3 of Kibbe and Friends is officially here, and Holley is back for more fun, foolishness, and flying orange Chargers! To celebrate this momentous event they have an instantly huge Clearance sale going on right now at Holley.com/clearance_parts. How instance, you ask? Up to 85% off insane….which is a huge amount of insane! Just visit Holley.com/clearance_parts to peruse all the goodies. And when you buy your self something (or many somethings) make SURE you tell them we sent you!
Dukes Review: When I heard in 1996 that there was going to be a Dukes reunion I ran out and bought a copy of the National Enquirer. Why? Because pictures of the Dukes filming were in it for some reason? Entertainment Tonight had a segment called “hot rod heaven” with Bo and Luke laying on the hood of the General and talking to each other, and everyone was going to be in it. And then it premiered. And they had a different theme song. And Waylon Jennings wasn’t the balladeer. And they had new sound effects for the General Lee, not to mention the General looked different and goofy. Why are the numbers, pushbar, tailpanel, roll bar all messed up? And the lighting and picture and coloring was weird. And other than Bo, everyone looked older….and maybe not quite as tight and right as they once were, but hey, Dukes is Dukes. Rosco is funny, Jesse is good, Luke is still stronger and faster than everyone, and Bo can still drive. Cleetus returns – which I’m glad to see – Cooter returns from serving in Congress of all things – Daisy…..is getting a PHD and has an affinity for eating ribs.
It’s basically just a two hour regular Dukes episode where the boys have to race the General Lee to save the farm (again), Enos proposes to Daisy and she says yes (again) only to then cancel on him (again), but even a weird episode of the Dukes is better than no Dukes. Plus, this is the one where Corndog’s real General Lee made it’s premier! Bonus info: the first time you see the GL on screen in this episode….is Corndog’s car!
10 Corndogs.
Patreon Peeps, the year 2022 will be an important one for Patreon specifically, and if you’d consider jumping up to the $5 level it would sure help. The $10 level will remain and we now have a brand new $20 level as well! All members who join at that level will receive a sticker swag pack in the mail, you’ll be IMMEDIATELY entered in the monthly prize grab, and you’ll receive a phone call from one (or all) of us to chat up whatever you want for 30 minutes! Thank you SO MUCH to those of you who have joined in for the extra content that is only for Patreon supporters. To get in on the action and support the show with a minor financial contribution just click the link below to sign up. http://www.patreon.com/kfshow.
Click to join our super secret KF Show Only listener email list..just in case we get blocked from every social and podcast platform! https://forms.aweber.com/form/48/1311263948.htm
K&F Show #238: MOPARTY 2022 Recap – Happy HEMI’s, Non-Stop Laughs, and Flying Orange Chargers!

Guess what? The Kibbe and Friends show was the official media partner of the General Lee Jump at Holley’s 3rd annual MoParty! We’re not bragging, but it was clearly the biggest event in the history of events that we have been the media partner thereof.
Long story short, the event itself was overall amazing. The fun, the friends, the cars, and the feature jump were freaking amazing. Please call up Holley (or visit Holley.com) and let them know how that you enjoyed it if you went….OR just listen in to this Special Edition of the K&F Show and we’ll take you there for a recap! This episode feature the only and only Blane Burnett from Holley along with an “Open Audition” session for potential future K&F Guest Hosts Nathan Warren and Garret Daniels. Let us know what you think!
We’ll be on Patreon next week, then back at if for the launch of Kibbe and Friends Phase 3 in October.
-Rob, CD, and the Bern
Patreon Peeps, the year 2022 will be an important one for Patreon specifically, and if you’d consider jumping up to the $5 level it would sure help. The $10 level will remain and we now have a brand new $20 level as well! All members who join at that level will receive a sticker swag pack in the mail, you’ll be IMMEDIATELY entered in the monthly prize grab, and you’ll receive a phone call from one (or all) of us to chat up whatever you want for 30 minutes! Thank you SO MUCH to those of you who have joined in for the extra content that is only for Patreon supporters. To get in on the action and support the show with a minor financial contribution just click the link below to sign up. http://www.patreon.com/kfshow.
Click to join our super secret KF Show Only listener email list..just in case we get blocked from every social and podcast platform! https://forms.aweber.com/form/48/1311263948.htm
K&F Show #237: MOPARTY 2022 or Bust; Rebroadcast of Episode #97 with Ben Jones – Cooter Himself!

Presented with Holley! Guess what? The Kibbe and Friends show is the official media partner of the General Lee Jump at Holley’s 3rd annual MoParty. Take that, CNN – we beat you to it!
MoParty returns to Beech Bend Raceway this September 16-18, 2022. Numerous event segments tailored for Mopar enthusiasts abound including autocross, 3S Challenge, drag racing and more! Other events like a dyno challenge, burnout competition and car show will take place, making this one of the wildest Mopar parties ever held. The event is open to any ride utilizing a Mopar engine, including AMC. Gas and diesel Mopar power are welcome!
Visit https://moparty.com to register and then go buy yourself something for the event at Holley.com. Make SURE you tell them we sent you!
KF Peeps – The third annual Holley MOPARTY event is in just a few days and we’re gearing up as we speak! We’ll plan to see as many of you there as possible. On Friday Sept 16th we’ll be hanging out after the show in the parking lot of the Hampton Inn on Three Springs Road. If you’re there, swing by. Bring a drink or two and we’ll hang out until we get too cold or too hungry!
Since we’re not here this week, listen in to a rebroadcast of KF Episode #97, the very first of our “Phase 2” of the show with Corndog and Bernie on the show as co-host and producing professional newsman. This particular episode featured a full interview with Ben Jones, Cooter himself!
See you all at the show!
-Rob, CD, and the Bern
10 Corndogs.
Patreon Peeps, the year 2022 will be an important one for Patreon specifically, and if you’d consider jumping up to the $5 level it would sure help. The $10 level will remain and we now have a brand new $20 level as well! All members who join at that level will receive a sticker swag pack in the mail, you’ll be IMMEDIATELY entered in the monthly prize grab, and you’ll receive a phone call from one (or all) of us to chat up whatever you want for 30 minutes! Thank you SO MUCH to those of you who have joined in for the extra content that is only for Patreon supporters. To get in on the action and support the show with a minor financial contribution just click the link below to sign up. http://www.patreon.com/kfshow.
Click to join our super secret KF Show Only listener email list..just in case we get blocked from every social and podcast platform! https://forms.aweber.com/form/48/1311263948.htm
K&F Show #234: Our Future, Dodge’s Future, and the MOPARTY Get Together – Dukes of Hazzard Review S7E16 “Enos and Daisy’s Wedding”

Presented with Holley! Guess what? The Kibbe and Friends show is the official media partber of the General Lee Jump at Holley’s 3rd annual MoParty. Take that, CNN – we beat you to it!
MoParty returns to Beech Bend Raceway this September 16-18, 2022. Numerous event segments tailored for Mopar enthusiasts abound including autocross, 3S Challenge, drag racing and more! Other events like a dyno challenge, burnout competition and car show will take place, making this one of the wildest Mopar parties ever held. The event is open to any ride utilizing a Mopar engine, including AMC. Gas and diesel Mopar power are welcome!
Visit https://moparty.com to register and then go buy yourself something for the event at Holley.com. Make SURE you tell them we sent you!
Dukes Review: The classic tale. Boy pines after girl, girl thinks of him as a friend, boy saves girls life over and over again…girl thinks of him as a friend again, boy once again saves girls life, girl proposes out of guilt, boy declines out of rightful pride, then everyone decides to get married, and then boy gets hives out of a reaction to happiness. The wedding is then cancelled until the 1997 reunion show where it will be on again…until it’s canceled again. If I didn’t know better I’d say this show was going to be over soon. This is a boring episode for the most part done with little to no stunt budget, but at least there are NO miniature cars used.
7 Corndogs.
Patreon Peeps, the year 2022 will be an important one for Patreon specifically, and if you’d consider jumping up to the $5 level it would sure help. The $10 level will remain and we now have a brand new $20 level as well! All members who join at that level will receive a sticker swag pack in the mail, you’ll be IMMEDIATELY entered in the monthly prize grab, and you’ll receive a phone call from one (or all) of us to chat up whatever you want for 30 minutes! Thank you SO MUCH to those of you who have joined in for the extra content that is only for Patreon supporters. To get in on the action and support the show with a minor financial contribution just click the link below to sign up. http://www.patreon.com/kfshow.
Click to join our super secret KF Show Only listener email list..just in case we get blocked from every social and podcast platform! https://forms.aweber.com/form/48/1311263948.htm
K&F Show #233: Door Panels & Dub IROC-Z Wheels – Movie Review: Tucker: The Man and His Dream

Presented with Holley! Guess what? The Kibbe and Friends show is the official media partber of the General Lee Jump at Holley’s 3rd annual MoParty. Take that, CNN – we beat you to it!
MoParty returns to Beech Bend Raceway this September 16-18, 2022. Numerous event segments tailored for Mopar enthusiasts abound including autocross, 3S Challenge, drag racing and more! Other events like a dyno challenge, burnout competition and car show will take place, making this one of the wildest Mopar parties ever held. The event is open to any ride utilizing a Mopar engine, including AMC. Gas and diesel Mopar power are welcome!
Visit https://moparty.com to register and then go buy yourself something for the event at Holley.com. Make SURE you tell them we sent you!
Movie Review: Big government and big business used big media to crush the little man who was just trying to build a better mousetrap of a car! That’s right, our beloved Big 3 all agreed on something – and that something was getting their corrupt state senator to smoosh the competition of Preston Tucker for daring to want to offer a high speed, disc brake, seat belt equipped new car that could really move. I’m betting Elon Musk watched this movie, took notes on what NOT to do, then launched a car company without getting killed. That’s all tongue in cheek of course (hopefully)!
This is a movie that will inspire you, intrigue you, and make you want to learn more about the Tucker Automobile….but definitely the man who gave it name. It’ll also make you want to smoke, drink whiskey, and wear suits with fedoras. I don’t know how historically accurate it was in truth but let’s assume that it was in the ballpark. Sure made for a good movie!
10 Corndogs
Patreon Peeps, the year 2022 will be an important one for Patreon specifically, and if you’d consider jumping up to the $5 level it would sure help. The $10 level will remain and we now have a brand new $20 level as well! All members who join at that level will receive a sticker swag pack in the mail, you’ll be IMMEDIATELY entered in the monthly prize grab, and you’ll receive a phone call from one (or all) of us to chat up whatever you want for 30 minutes! Thank you SO MUCH to those of you who have joined in for the extra content that is only for Patreon supporters. To get in on the action and support the show with a minor financial contribution just click the link below to sign up. http://www.patreon.com/kfshow.
Click to join our super secret KF Show Only listener email list..just in case we get blocked from every social and podcast platform! https://forms.aweber.com/form/48/1311263948.htm
K&F Show #222: Mr Mom and Air Fryers; Dukes of Hazzard S7E08 Review “Go West, Young Dukes”

Presented with Holley and MSD! Did you know that MSD – the most trusted name in hot rod ignition known to man – is part of Holley? Well if not…now you do! That’s right, that magical red “spark box” that was in every race car and high school hot rod you can think of has the same great quality and support of any Holley product you can think of. Visit https://www.holley.com/brands/msd/ to buy a few toys for yourself and make SURE you tell them we sent you!
Dukes Review: We’ve been telling you for years that The Dukes of Hazzard was a modern day Western, just with cars instead of horses. Well – this time – it’s literal. This is the episode of the Dukes in the old west (and by that we mean the South, but that’s harder to explain). If you’re a fan of the Dukes you’ll like this episode. It’s fun. If you’re in it for the car, skip it.
I really think this was yet another Season 7 metaverse episode – like the Waylon visit – where they know it’s tv, we know it’s tv, they know it’s a western, we know it’s a western, and with a wink and a nod they just did the obvious next metaverse move. Frankly, the only thing they didn’t do in this episode was paint a horse orange and put numbers on it.
8 Season 7 Corndogs (Note: Season 7 Corndogs have ⅓ o ½ the value of other seasons Corndogs.)
Patreon Peeps, the year 2022 will be an important one for Patreon specifically, and if you’d consider jumping up to the $5 level it would sure help. The $10 level will remain and we now have a brand new $20 level as well! All members who join at that level will receive a sticker swag pack in the mail, you’ll be IMMEDIATELY entered in the monthly prize grab, and you’ll receive a phone call from one (or all) of us to chat up whatever you want for 30 minutes! Thank you SO MUCH to those of you who have joined in for the extra content that is only for Patreon supporters. To get in on the action and support the show with a minor financial contribution just click the link below to sign up. http://www.patreon.com/kfshow.
Click to join our super secret KF Show Only listener email list..just in case we get blocked from every social and podcast platform! https://forms.aweber.com/form/48/1311263948.htm
K&F Show #219: Fave Pies and the new Batmobile; Dukes of Hazzard S7E06 Review “The Dukes in Hollywood”

Presented with Holley! Be sure to get signed up for LSFest West asap if you live west of the Mississippi. Visit LSFest.com for details, and visit Holley.com to buy a few toys for yourself and make SURE you tell them we sent you!
Dukes Review: In this episode – a fake movie star played by Barry Van Dyke comes to Hazzard – a real TV show – to shoot a fake movie inside of the real TV show – and then they all go to Hollywood to a fake movie studio – that’s really the real Warner Brothers Studios – to shoot the movie as if they were in a TV show about creating a fake movie. Everyone got that?
Barry Van Dyke is someone you may know, but you definitely know his dad……none other than Dick Van Dyke, star of stage and screen, a TV show of his own name, murder mysterious, and the beloved Disney classics. Anyway, they shoot the entire episode on the real Warner Brothers backlot, and SHOW YOU the backlot. The General drives up Hollywood BLDV even. Maybe this was just a gift to we fans who knew the end was near, who know. This is a great episode – in fact so great that the second Dukes of Hazzard reunion TV movie was based on it (Hazzard in Hollywood). Corndog’s real screen used General did the jump in that episode!
8 Corndogs.
Patreon Peeps, the year 2022 will be an important one for Patreon specifically, and if you’d consider jumping up to the $5 level it would sure help. The $10 level will remain and we now have a brand new $20 level as well! All members who join at that level will receive a sticker swag pack in the mail, you’ll be IMMEDIATELY entered in the monthly prize grab, and you’ll receive a phone call from one (or all) of us to chat up whatever you want for 30 minutes! Thank you SO MUCH to those of you who have joined in for the extra content that is only for Patreon supporters. To get in on the action and support the show with a minor financial contribution just click the link below to sign up. http://www.patreon.com/kfshow.
Click to join our super secret KF Show Only listener email list..just in case we get blocked from every social and podcast platform! https://forms.aweber.com/form/48/1311263948.htm
K&F Show #213: How-To Drift Brake Setups For Everyone! Dukes of Hazzard S7E02 Review “Welcome, Waylon Jennings”

Presented with Holley! Visit Holley.com and make SURE you tell them we sent you!
Dukes Review: The metaness of the multiverse – as now popularized in Spiderman 3 – and as categorized in the last episode – apparently came from the Dukes of Hazzard. This is the episode of the Dukes where Waylon Jennings, the real life show balladeer comes to visit Hazzard. And he does so, because he knows the Dukes. Because it turns out – this entire series – up to now – has been a real-time story telling of the Dukes to we the watching audience by Waylon Jennings. Meaning, he knows this is a TV show. And they know this is a TV show. And they know that we know that they know that this is a TV show. And before this is all said and done you’re going to learn when the song “American Pie” has a whole lot to do Waylon Jennings Tennessee based museum (from 1984) and the worlds most famous flying orange Dodge Charger!
Patreon Peeps, the year 2022 will be an important one for Patreon specifically, and if you’d consider jumping up to the $5 level it would sure help. The $10 level will remain and we now have a brand new $20 level as well! All members who join at that level will receive a sticker swag pack in the mail, you’ll be IMMEDIATELY entered in the monthly prize grab, and you’ll receive a phone call from one (or all) of us to chat up whatever you want for 30 minutes! Thank you SO MUCH to those of you who have joined in for the extra content that is only for Patreon supporters. To get in on the action and support the show with a minor financial contribution just click the link below to sign up. http://www.patreon.com/kfshow.
Click to join our super secret KF Show Only listener email list..just in case we get blocked from every social and podcast platform! https://forms.aweber.com/form/48/1311263948.htm