TMCP #468: Ask Rick – Amelia Island Winners, eBay Picks, and the Price Impact of COVID on EVERYTHING!

Rick Schmidt is back for our ever-popular “Ask Rick” segment and this weeks listener question is straight from the news headlines: the increase of prices on EVERYTHING. From global pandemics sequestering workers at home, to 2020’s increased consumer buying, to stimulus packages, and then a final blow of a stuck ship in the middle of a canal blocking the worlds free trade, the global market has taken a huge hit. All of these forces and more have combined to impact the availability of goods and raise prices across the board.
TMCP #448: Charlie Hyatt, Innovative Rod and Customs, Starting a Brand New Business in the Midst of a Covid Crisis

Presented with Holley! Holley has two insane contests going on right now, and you can enter! Click here to enter to win a $20,000 small block Ford AND David Freiburger’s ’66 Buick! and
Charlie Hyatt loved working on hot rods and had a career of working in hot rod shops throughout Minnesota. For years he he dreamt of having his own hot rod building business….and with young children at home and a pandemic hitting the country, he moved forward with it. And it’s working! This is his story.
TMCP #434: Scott Bowers – How COVID-19 Has Impacted Manufacturing at Ron Francis Wiring; Pro-Touring Update with Larry Callahan

This week, at long last, I caught up with a very busy guy Scott Bowers. Scott is the president of Ron Francis wiring and I wanted to get his story about how they are coping with the Covid-19 pandemic. They are a manufacturer and located on the East Coast, two components of the equation that I was curious about. I was amazed at his candor regarding the situation but not too surprised at the answers.