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Welcome to Episode #18 of the Kibbe and Finnegan show! If you’re new to the show, Mike Finnegan and I have taken our Dukes of Hazzard fandom and turned it into a full fledged automotive podcast Gong Show of sorts, completed with a full episode review from The Dukes of Hazzard. It’s every 40-year-old’s dream, right?
You can find every episode here on The MuscleCar Place and iTunes and Google Play, and from time to time we’ll also be posting video clips and (and even) full shows to Finnegan’s Garage on YouTube. For those of you that want the show on Android but don’t like Google Play….we’re working on it (specifically via Stitcher). For now if you click the “Download” link at the top of this post you’ll be able to stream it on your phone directly. You can also pull the RSS feed as well. We’ve heard from many Android users that the Pocket Casts app is the way to go!
If you like the show…for the love of all that’s holy, share it with your buddies and tag your favorite companies on Instagram with #SponsorKibbeandFinnegan! It may be a lame, but we’re not above it.
We’ll be adding in a live show stream in the future – so be sure to follow us online for notice of when that will be happening. Look for this show to publish twice monthly here (or maybe even MORE often), in iTunes, and on Finnegan’s YouTube channel! Have a question for the show? Just hit is up:
Finnegan Twitter: @Finnegan999
Kibbe E-mail: robert@themusclecarplace.com
-Rob Kibbe
Win an FSM Shirt:
Send Us Your Hoodslide on Instagram!
Want to do something stupid, yet awesomely cool? Take a video of yourself doing a super-sweet hoodslide on the vehicle of your choice and tag it to us on Instagram (#kibbeandfinneganshow). We’ll put several of our favorites into our next YouTube show preview and send the winner an FSM Garage T-Shirt!
It may go without saying, but we assume no liability, risk, damage, responsibility, etc. for your video stunt. It’s on you, baby! Make it count!

Dukes of Hazzard S2 E7: Dukes Meet Cale Yarborough
K&F Show Summary:
Bo and Luke completely and accidentally run into NASCAR superstar Cale Yarborough while he is testing a turbocharger for an upcoming NASCAR race. To suspend reality further, Cale’s test car is a white 1969 Dodge Charger wearing the 10-spoke Turbine style wheels that the General wears (which looks suspiciously like the car from the show we covered in Episode 17).
Even zanier, is that upon meeting the Dukes he gives them the chance to test drive the car, fix his mechanical mistakes with it, and then fend off his mysterious NASCAR enemies The Jethro Brothers from stealing the unusable-in-NASCAR-but-they-want-it-anyway turbocharger for their own race car. To cap things off, the Dukes escape from Boss, Rosco, Enos, and the bad guys simultaneously by using the confusion tactics of having two additional Chargers painted up like the General, thereby giving all bad guys a different one to chase. Hijinks ensue.
Legit Show Info:
Season 3 – Episode 7 “Dukes Meet Cale Yarborough”
Airdate: 11/2/79
Teleplay by Bruce Howard, William Raynor, Myles Wilder, & Ron Friedman
Story by Ron Friedman
Directed by Ernest Pintoff
Corndog’s Super Insider Analysis:
3:30 – This is the first time we see what kind of CB radio is in the General Lee. This is a Cobra 78X. Later in the series, they switch to a Sharp 40 channel.
4:07 – The race track that is used was Saugus Speedway in Saugus (Santa Clarita), CA. This race track was used for MANY TV shows at the time. I know that it was used in A-Team, Knight Rider, and many many more. This is also also the same track that was used for the 2hr Dukes 2-part episode “Carnival of Thrills”.
-When they pop the hood of Cale’s car to reveal the engine, it appears like it was a Chevy II that was used for the scene (Rob is guessing a Chevelle!)
-There were two cars used as Cale’s car. One was a ’68 and the other was a ’69. The ’69 was used mostly for close up 1st unit scenes. This car still had the side marker lights and also had the vinyl top trim. The ’68 was used mostly for the hard driving 2nd unit scenes. The side marker lights were removed from the ’68 and it did not have the vinyl top trim.
10:30 – When the Dukes pull up to the Boars Nest, you can clearly see the round ’68 side marker light were not only still on the car, they were also painted orange. You will continue to see this car serve as one of the close up cars throughout the rest of the episode.
12:00 – When Enos is walking up to the Boars Nest, you can see a tan ’69 Charger rear seat cushion leaned up against the building. Also, you can see two Charger hubcaps hanging on the top of the wall.
-The location of this Boars Nest is at Golden Oak Ranch
13:55 – You see Cale’s car parked on the square and his license plate is a North Carolina tag ZAB 749
19:28 – Mabel Tillingham, working for the telephone company is played by Lindsay Bloom. She sells reproduction printed Western Union telegraphs from this episode. They look pretty good too.
26:30 – The Dukes Farm is still on a sound stage.
31:00 – There is a car chase around the square. I never realized… and appreciated this until I visited the the town square on the Warner Bros backlot. Since you recently visited the square, maybe you noticed it too. Watching it on TV many times, I never realized how small the square actually is… and how tight the roads are as well. It amazes me how the stunt crew were able to pull off many great car chases around that square in such tight quarters.
35:00 – Replay of the “Styxx River” jump
41:41 – The General Lee that side-swipes the bad guy’s car is the same car that is jumped at the end of the episode. If you notice, the “01” on the door sticks out like a sore thumb and is different than every other “01”. Before this car was jumped, it was used for many press/promo photos. Not only did the car have a funny looking “01” it also had a random aftermarket door mirror that was attached further forward than a regular Charger mirror.
45:18 – When the three General Lee’s are running around, and they pull over the car that Jesse is driving… as he is coming to a stop, you can clearly see that something is on fire right in front of the radiator in the General Lee. I don’t know if they had an issue with the car, or maybe they were trying to simulate a smoking / overheating car.
47:02 – This is something that I just noticed for the first time. At this point you can see one of those red print labels on the lower corner of the windshield. This is the first time I was able to somewhat make out what it said. It appears to be “GL _”. This would have been a Veluzet-built car… which would finally tell me how they numbered their cars.
Interesting Tidbits:
-We started this show out with a tribute to Carrie Fischer. RIP!
-Best acting in a Dukes of Hazzard show….ever!
Dream Board Update: Goals to Accomplish Before Episode 200

1. Get Diet Coke to Sponsor us….or just Kibbe.
2. Be characters in the Disney/Pixar movie, Cars 3. Finnegan is the General. Kibbe…is wishing he was the General.
3. Syndicate the show onto TV and radio, having awesome guests in studio, with Dale Earnhardt Jr. on regularly to be our best friend.
4. Get John Schneider himself on the show with us. Pray to God he actually likes us and isn’t freaked out.
5. Blow up the podcast so that it becomes a regular weekly show, interviewing celebrities, and actually providing a living for us capable of allowing us to race cars anytime we want plus let our wives get the shoes they like.
6. Get our own studio.
7. We each get a General Lee (real car – not a toy).
8. Get a Voiceover Guy to announce the segments.
9. Jump a car together. Kibbe wants to go 30-feet vertical.
10. Make a Dream GL that is based off of a 1973 NASCAR Charger (like the 1/16th scale AMT model)
11. Kibbe needs a new wallet to replace his “George Costanza”.
12. Mike to get a new truck for legit towing. DONE!