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In this week’s podcast show I have the pleasure to announce that Ron Francis Wiring has stepped aboard as both a podcast show sponsor AND as the wiring supplier for the Chevelle build! As such I thought it might be fun to have Scott Bowers from Ron Francis on the show again (he’s been a previous show guest) to do a joint interview with my car builder, Jeff Allison. When I mentioned to Jeff that the sponsorship was a possibility, he went through their catalog head to tail and chose everything he thought he’d need to wire up my Chevelle as the modern day driver and LS-powered racer we wanted to be, so in the interview we went though that list head to tail with Scott to get his feedback and blessing.
Since Jeff is somewhat of a wiring specialist he came up with several unique tricks just for my car that will allow the main panel, engine computer, battery, etc. all to be located where he wants them while simultaneously allowing us the luxury of running all of the modern convenience items (like air conditioning) with no power concerns. The list you see below represents the bulk of the components!

For those of you building a car (or just wiring up your own car) I think you’ll find this interview very helpful, especially if your car had original wiring that was more spaghetti than factory (like mine). The heart of it all is centered on the ACCESS 24/7 Fuse System Panel (a 24 fuse panel with room for 7 relays) so that’s where we started the conversation off!

You can get more information on Ron Francis Wiring at www.ronfrancis.com, and more information on Allison Customs at www.allisoncustomsonline.com.
Thanks for the interview Scott & Jeff….and for the sponsorships!
-Robert Kibbe
The MuscleCar Place Network of Awesome Automotive Podcasts
The Prize Segment sponsored by the COMP Performance Group is back, and it’s back BIG! Entrants can enter to win a HUGE $750 gift certificate that will be awarded quarterly, and there are two ways to enter:
- Go to www.themusclecarplace.com/contest and fill out the details there to enter the contest. Be sure to use the links in the contest to share it on Facebook, Twitter, and your own websites. For everyone that joins the contest because of your referral, YOU GET MORE ENTRIES!
- Answer the bonus question given out in this podcast show. E-mail your answer to bonus@themusclecarplace.com for an additional 20 points!
The next winner will be chosen on September 15, 2012!