TMCP #564: 15 Year Anniversary Throwback – The Time I Landed Richard Petty, The King of NASCAR!

It is hard to believe that in May of 2024 it will have been fifteen years since I carved out a hole in my basement and started recording this podcast! Many listeners have tuned in and followed along as I met people from all across the automotive world and simply asked the questions we all wanted to know about business and cars. I had no idea that 15 years later I’d still be in the business, nor did I have a clue what a life defining thing this would become. In a nutshell, this podcast (and you) have changed my life.

I am blessed to have started the show during the pre-podcast boom and have been able to use it to go places and see things that were far above my punching weight. I’ve had backstage passes, met stars, and attended events with all of you listeners along for the ride. I’ve raised a family along with way too, lost a parent, and had the chance to build and drive cars with my best friends. You have given back to me with friendship and support for chasing my dreams while creating a place we all can enjoy, The Muscle Car Place.

Many great and exciting things have happened since that start but one of my most memorable was getting to talk to the King himself, Richard Petty. At the time the “new” Challenger was still fairly new,  and who knew it would go on for another twelve years and the most amazing cars that were not even imagined yet. It was pretty exciting to see Daytonas once again on the streets, even if in limited numbers, as Petty Garage made special editions of the Challenger with the iconic nose and wing of the NASCAR heydays. I did get to ask him about his racing career and recorded every glorious second of the conversation in Episode #76 way back in 2011.

In every great sitcom there is the throwback episode where they queue the wobbly lines and memories from previous episodes come back based on a vague story line. This week the throwback episode, is my interview with Richard Petty. Enjoy!

K&F Show #283: Happy New Year 2024! Our Tribute to the Late Great Cale Yarborough – Racing and Dukes Legend!

As most of you knpw, our Patreon audience has the INSIDE access to the KF Show. The year 2024 will be an important one for Patreon specifically and if you’d consider jumping up to the $5 level it would sure help. The $10 level will remain and we now have a brand new $20 level as well! All members who join at that level will receive a sticker swag pack in the mail, you’ll be IMMEDIATELY entered in the monthly prize grab, and you’ll receive a phone call from one (or all) of us to chat up whatever you want for 30 minutes!

Thank you SO MUCH to those of you who have joined in for the extra content that is only for Patreon supporters. To get in on the action and support the show with a minor financial contribution just click the link below to sign up.

Join up via Patreon at


Presented with Holley – Back for 2024! 

Phase 3 of Kibbe and Friends is officially here, and Holley is back for more fun, foolishness, and flying orange Chargers! Once again we’re proud to be associated with the historic name that has made cars fast for years and years, and their innovations continue forward (as always)!

Make sure that you visit to place your speed parts orders – and THANK THEM for continuing on as the Title Spnonsor of the KF Show!


K&F Show Summary: We are back for 2024! Unfortunately, the first show of the year for us will kick off with a memorial tribute to the late great Cale Yarborough. Cale passed away on Dec 31, 2023. He was an ironman in NASCAR certainly, but many of us met him initially due to his guest starring roles during Season 2 and Season 7 of the Dukes of Hazzard.

Instead of re-reviewing both of these episodes we decided to dedicate this episode to telling the life story of Cale himself. (Full links to both of his episodes are below, and we encourage you to listen to them as well.)

There  will be facts here that some of you may know, but many of us didn’t. He was the first ever three-in-a-row NASCAR champion, a record only met (and then broken) by Jimmie Johnson. He won four Daytona 500’s, inclyding two back to back in 1983 and 1984. He pioneered CBS-TV’s use of the John Porter-Peter Larson in-car camera that could tilt and pan, footage of which was used in the Season 7 episode he appeared on during the Dukes.

He won the 1983 Daytona 500 in a backup car from a Hardees fast-good restaurant….after flipping his new-for-1983 Monte Carlo in qualifying at 204MPH. He taught himself how to fly an airplane. Possibly most famously, during the first ever flag-to-flag showing of the Daytona 500 on TV, he and the Bobby Allison got in a terrible fight after Cale and Donnie Allison (Bobby’s brother) wrecked for the win on the last lap.

RIP Cale.

KF Review: Episode 251 S2E2 “Dukes Meet Cale Yarborough”

KF Review: Episode 223 S7E9 “Cale Yarborough Comes to Hazzard”


See you soon. Join up via Patreon at

Kibbe, Corndog, and the Bern!

National Parts Depot Presents: Bernie on the News!

TMCP #553: Holley Moparty Super Show Special! – HHWheels 1969 RT/SE Unrestored All Original Charger – Dylan McCool, Fixing and Racing an 80’s Cop Car – Richard Petty’s 1974 Charger Race Car

  FEATURE INTERVIEW: 2023 Holley Moparty Special! This special bonus episode on The Muscle Car Place is brought to you live from the Holley Moparty 2023 event at the Beach Bend raceway (and amusement park) facility in Bowling Green Kentucky! All of your favorite show hosts and co-hosts loaded up and drove out to the […]

K&F Show #253: NASCAR 2023 Season Kickoff – Movie Review; Days of Thunder!

Presented with Holley! Right now Holley has some AMAZING deals going in their Winter Clearance blowout sale. These killer Retrobright’s are on sale right now for over 50%, in fact! Be sure to go “full Corndog” and check out everything the Clearance Section….because with the deals are gone, the deals are gone!  Here’s the link to those lights in particular: Use Code “23WINTER” on checkout to get an extra 10% off of your order!!

K&F Show Movie Review: Happy NASCAR season! The Daytona 500 is this weekend, so that means it’s time to rebroadcast of our review of Days of Thunder from KF Show 137. When you’ve reached perfect once, you gotta own it!

The team that brought you Top Gun, brings you Top Car – better known as Days of Thunder. Both movies feature a wildly talented but undisciplined rebel who is as awesome with driving machinery as he is with the ladies. Both feature a helmet-less motorcycle riding Tom Cruise as the lead who goes through massive success riding his own ego….until his butt can’t cash them when he gets hurt – in one case just mentally, and in the other physically. Both leave him scared to re-engage at the thing he does best…until he basically resolves it in about 20 seconds by realizing….he’d damn well better or his friends were going to die in one case, and in the other they’d just be super bummed they lost the race…and move on with life. Whatever.

Both feature a wise father figure Tom Cruise at first rejects the authority of, then later craves the leadership and approval from. Both have Val Kilmer as Iceman playing the uber talented and more successful nemesis turned friend….except in Days of Thunder it’s Michael Rooker playing Rowdy Burns, both have an amazing failure on the first try to woo the leading lady, and both have a dead goose scene…except in days of thunder it was just a bird run over by a rental car. This is the most perfect racing movie of all however, and even today still is adored by fans – and NASCAR drivers – including the current reigning NASCAR Cup Series Champion who goes by the name of Rowdy Busch…and runs number 51 on his own race cars outside of the Cup Series. This is the movie that proves to get the girls, you gotta go fast, and if you’re from California you’re not really a yankee…you’re not really from anywhere.

National Parts Depot Presents: Bernie on the News!

Patreon Peeps, the year 2023 will be an important one for Patreon specifically, and if you’d consider jumping up to the $5 level it would sure help. The $10 level will remain and we now have a brand new $20 level as well! All members who join at that level will receive a sticker swag pack in the mail, you’ll be IMMEDIATELY entered in the monthly prize grab, and you’ll receive a phone call from one (or all) of us to chat up whatever you want for 30 minutes! Thank you SO MUCH to those of you who have joined in for the extra content that is only for Patreon supporters. To get in on the action and support the show with a minor financial contribution just click the link below to sign up.

Click to join our super secret KF Show Only listener email list..just in case we get blocked from every social and podcast platform!

K&F Show #251: Groundhog Day 2023 – Corndog’s Pick for the Dukes Review – S2E2 “Dukes Meet Cale Yarborough”

Presented with Holley! It’s time to look forward to spring break. How about April 28-30 in Las Vegas at Holley LS Fest West?? If an LS based (or current generation LT V8) engine is powering your ride or if you are considering a swap to LS power, this is your event! Race cars, street rods, muscle cars, trucks, late models, drift cars, prerunners, Ultra 4 buggies – you name it, if it is powered by an LS/LT there will be something here for you! Just visit to peruse and view for yourself and be SURE to tell them that we sent you!

Dukes Review: Somehow, within just a single year of this show starting, we went from being a more racy version of Smokey and the Bandit to a Saturday morning cartoon family fun spectacular. In this episode – NASCAR Royalty Cale Yarborough appears, only to test an illegal turbocharger for NASCAR in a white un-decaled General Lee. Even better, at one point the plot of the episode revolves around 3 General Lee – all being used on screen to cause confusion – all at the same time. The production quality is just like we like it too – crappy. There are painted over side-marker lights, scenes shot out of order, and it’s just so dumb that it’s fun….and that’s the way we like it too!

National Parts Depot Presents: Bernie on the News!

Patreon Peeps, the year 2023 will be an important one for Patreon specifically, and if you’d consider jumping up to the $5 level it would sure help. The $10 level will remain and we now have a brand new $20 level as well! All members who join at that level will receive a sticker swag pack in the mail, you’ll be IMMEDIATELY entered in the monthly prize grab, and you’ll receive a phone call from one (or all) of us to chat up whatever you want for 30 minutes! Thank you SO MUCH to those of you who have joined in for the extra content that is only for Patreon supporters. To get in on the action and support the show with a minor financial contribution just click the link below to sign up.

Click to join our super secret KF Show Only listener email list..just in case we get blocked from every social and podcast platform!

TMCP #478: Buddy Cram’s Dream Business: From Full time NASCAR to Full Time “General Lee” Builder!

Today’s guest is Buddy Cram. He might just actually be living the life I thought was too good to be true: he operates a business called General Lee Chargers, and their one and only mission in the world is to build General Lee’s for Dukes of Hazzard loving fans! While that’s cool, Buddy’s background in NASCAR – and love of MOPAR – both combined to bring him to turn a childhood desire into full time business. He’s currently building his 56th customer car, and two more are already on order! Here’s the story behind the story.  

TMCP #459: Ask Rick – If Gasoline Powered Modern Muscle Cars are Dying…Which Could be the Best Future Investment?

It’s the first show of month, and therefore time for our monthly Ask Rick segment with Rick Schmidt! I wanted to know his thoughts on the latest NASCAR happenings, the end of factory muscle cars, and of course his thumbs up or down on a selection of internet cars.  Specifically, with the gasoline powered engines of today (seemingly) about to come to an end, I wanted to know which model he might buy as well as how he would trick it out. In Rick’s words, “I like muscle cars that are optioned out like a Lincoln!”