TMCP #481: MOPARTY Special #1 – James Smith, Jumping the General Lee – Blake Anderman DIY Hemi, Hemi Swapped AAR Cuda – John O’Malley Boosted Motorsports, Hellkota Hellcat Swapped Dakota
Today’s guest is a lot of friends that we got to catch up with at the Second Annual Holley Moparty event in Bowling Green Kentucky. Justin “Corndog” Cornette, my cohost on the Kibbe and Friends show, and myself attended the event and captured the feeling of the gathering in some great interviews with old and new friends.
TMCP #467 – Lyle Brummer – SpeedKore, Making Amazing Hot Rods and Carbon Fiber Creations For Famous Customers
This week, I spoke to Lyle Brummer of Speedkore Performance Group. Speedkore specializes in one-off high performance car builds that meld craftsmanship and high end technology to produce stunning works of art. They are known for their stunning carbon fiber bodywork that resembles the original but at a much higher refinement than ever used in a production build.