TMCP 590: Bonus Feature – NHRA Superstar Clay Millican: Racing Highs….and Lows….and Highs Again!
Bonus Feature – NHRA Superstar Clay Millican: Racing Highs….and Lows….and Highs Again!
TMCP #374: The Green Hornet Turns 100 (MPH)-Jacob Davis Does the Cannonball Run; Ask Rick – Trends in Unrestored Driver Cars
This weeks interview is with friend of the show Jacob Davis. You should remember him from previous episodes #311 and #334 where he detailed his journey to obtaining his dream job at Hot Rod Magazine! Since that time Jacob has quickly made a name for himself and is enjoying the rewards of his efforts. As a result of this he now runs into many people in his travels, some of whom offer him interesting and unique propositions. The story that follows is the result of one of these conversations. Please note the word “allegedly” is used (a lot) in this show.
TMCP #336: How To Be an Automotive Power Couple on YouTube: Emily and Aaron Reeves From Flying Sparks Garage!
A Model and a Mechanic Make a YouTube Channel: Emily and Arron Reeves From Flying Sparks Garage