TMCP #550: Live From RoadKill Nights 2023: Special Feature – Talking to the Dodge Boys While Drag Racing On The Streets Of Woodward Ave In Pontiac Michigan

Live From RoadKill Nights 2023: Special Feature! Scotty Stap was onsite to talk to the OEM Dodge Boys While Drag Racing On The Streets Of Woodward Ave In Pontiac Michigan. This special feature episode on The Muscle Car Place is brought to you live from the streets of Pontiac Michigan. We were road side at Woodard Avenue where they closed the road and setup a drag strip for the event called RoadKill Nights. Every year RoadKill nights brings action, excitement, and new automotive experiences to Michigan (and other midwestern states) automotive enthusiasts. This year was no exception!
The main difference in the event this year was that they moved North from its typical M1 Concourse location up to one block off from Downtown Pontiac. The car show was actually held on the streets of the famous southern Michigan town. This made the main event area a little tight and the Thrill Ride cars were ALWAYS sideways. As a result the ride itself was shorter but it was still a great event for 2023.
Our on the scene reporter Scott Stap was lucky enough to catch up with some old friends from Dodge and Stellantis who were on the “inside” track of all of the outgoing Chargers and Challengers. He also got some insight on the new Charger (electric) to come. That said, this was the final chance to talk about Dodge’s outgoing Last Call vehicles.Enjoy!
TMCP #476: Kibbe Lee Rollbar Update with Garrett Daniels – Live Interviews from Roadkill Nights on Woodward Avenue!

This week, we present an action packed episode featuring 6 big time interviews! We’ll begin with a full update on the #KibbeLee roll bar upgrade by Garrett Daniels, now in process at RNDFabWorks in northern Kentucky. Following that we’ll head to the Roadkill Nights event in Detroit. Detroit, Michigan hosts one of the most famous car cruises on the planet, the Woodward Dream Cruise, and it draws millions of people every year. This episode contains interviews literally from the side of the road at Woodward Avenue on the property of the M1 Concourse.