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In this weeks show John and I started off the show announcing that our pal Tony Whatley will no longer be a part of the show. Tony has engaged in a new job and career and simply doesn’t have the time to continue on a regular basis.
We’ll miss him….but the shows will be a lot less “grumpy!” 🙂
I attended the 2012 SEMA Show a few weeks ago and had the change to talk the next generation of LS controllers with both MSD and Chevy Performance. We ran both of these interviews in Episode 155 of The MuscleCar Place podcast show, but they’re so important I’m going to do something rare and simul-post the interviews!

Ed Monte, MSD Ignition. Jeff Allison and I chatted with Ed Monte about MSD’s new Atomic EFI system for LS engines which also won Product of the Year at SEMA 2012.
This new system is not only for running the engine, but for aesthetics as well. The master kit moves the wiring up into the fuel rail area and keeps a very clean engine bay with less wiring exposed. The Atomic EFI LS kit can be installed in a garage over a weekend with just normal hand tools.
It comes with a mini programing tool to make tweeks without paying a programmer or sending the controller back and forth through the mail. Check out MSD’s website at http://atomicefi.com.

Rusty Sampsel, Chevrolet Performance. Jeff Allison and I met Rusty Sampsel at the Chevrolet Performance booth and asked him about the GM LS Controller kits.
Rusty informed us about how the LS kits are an easy way to get an LS engine installation running and driving smoothly with no hassle. The harnesses are designed to only plug in one place and all connection points are labeled for easy installation. The kits include the engine control module and since it was designed and built by GM, any scan tool can read the data just like on a normal GM car.
When I asked him about tuning the computer, Rusty said that the module programming is self adjusting and will handle a huge variety of situations and is a plug and play solution.
Listener Mail!
Feel free to e-mail in your questions, and we’ll do our best to answer it. We’ll also be covering a lot of the topics thrown out in the forums in each show, and the next one already looks jam packed. You can contact us with questions for the show as follows:
John Ryan: john@motorsports-media.com
Rob Kibbe: robert@themusclecarplace.com
Don’t forget to get the show in iTunes and Stitcher. Thanks for listening…and hammer down!
-Rob & John
The Prize Segment sponsored by the COMP Performance Group is back, and it’s back BIG! Entrants can enter to win a HUGE $750 gift certificate that will be awarded quarterly, and there are two ways to enter:
- Go to www.themusclecarplace.com/contest and fill out the details there to enter the contest. Be sure to use the links in the contest to share it on Facebook, Twitter, and your own websites. For everyone that joins the contest because of your referral, YOU GET MORE ENTRIES!
- Answer the bonus question given out in this podcast show. E-mail your answer to bonus@themusclecarplace.com for an additional 20 points!
The next winner will be selected December 15, 2012!