Last week my wife and I brought our baby girl Noelle home from the hospital in the Chevelle.  She is our third child (and 2nd girl).  All three of our kids have come home in the Chevelle.  My kids will always get to say that their first ride was in the Chevelle, and that’s something that I am really proud of.  It’s not the car that is important though (though I do love the car) – it’s the people inside it.  This is a piece of my legacy!

Kibbe family.....of 5! 6 if you count the Chevelle.

Here’s to your legacy as well.  I hope it’s at least 400 horsepower.


-Robert Kibbe

6 Responses

  1. Congratulations, that is a special legacy.I hope everyone is doing well and sleeps well in the near future. I have always claimed to have been driven home in my mother’s 1960 Chevrolet Biscayne and have always loved those cars but never owned one myself. It was her first new car.

  2. Many congratulations on your new little one!

    Our family photo albums have snapshots of our cars mixed right in there with the people, too.

    God bless!

  3. Congrats Rob! What an amazing story! May God bless you (and the Chevelle)! Great job with the website and podcast.

  4. Congratulations to your entire family. Speaking as a father of three, I can confirm that you and your wife are officially outnumbered! 🙂 Good luck…

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