TMCP #476: Kibbe Lee Rollbar Update with Garrett Daniels – Live Interviews from Roadkill Nights on Woodward Avenue!

This week, we present an action packed episode featuring 6 big time interviews! We’ll begin with a full update on the #KibbeLee roll bar upgrade by Garrett Daniels, now in process at RNDFabWorks in northern Kentucky. Following that we’ll head to the Roadkill Nights event in Detroit. Detroit, Michigan hosts one of the most famous car cruises on the planet, the Woodward Dream Cruise, and it draws millions of people every year. This episode contains interviews literally from the side of the road at Woodward Avenue on the property of the M1 Concourse.
The 2009 Woodward Dream Cruise – Muscle Car Heaven!

This past weekend one of the great events in muscle car world-dom (if that’s a word…..and I don’t believe it is) happened over in Mo-Town: The Woordward Dream Cruise! What is the Woodward Dream Cruise, you ask? Quite simply, it’s an organized gathering by a lot of people with a lot of cool cars on […]