TMCP #556: SEMA and Industry 2023 Preview with Dan Kahn – Upcoming Technology in the Automotive Aftermarket – Trucks and Overlanding For the Win!

Dan Kahn is a well known name in the automotive PR and marketing world and Kahn Media is (in my opinion) is the leader in that space. I’ve known Dan for years and have always found him to have a great understanding of our industry as well as the ability to read the tea leaves on what’s coming next. Long time listeners will remember our time together on a podcast called “Cars for a Living” and I asked him to return today for a “crystal ball plus the state of the nations” type discussion in regards to the upcoming 2023 SEMA Show! If there’s one thing the Kahn team knows well it’s the automotive aftermarket.
TMCP #502: Jeff Allison Returns – His Journey of Automotive Adventures: Building Cars, Shops, and YouTube Channels!

Every fifty episodes or so I check in with my great friend and automotive brother Jeff Allison. Over ten years ago Jeff offered to build my family Chevelle into something spectacular. Since then his shop (Allison Customs) ha grown and he’s become a famous YouTube star to boot. Believe it or not, but he can even cook! This interview is a catch-up on my favorite renaissance man.