TMCP #466: Scott Lambert on the 2021 Twin Cities Auto Show, New Cars and Future Classics Up Close and Personal!

This week, I spoke to Scott Lambert, President of Minnesota Auto Dealer’s Association, and wanted to find out more about the 2021 Twin Cites Auto Show. Scott’s history is quite different than most of our guests but he is still a car guy at heart. His background is in politics and was actually an automobile industry lobbyist talking about new cars and dealerships at the highest levels of government. It makes sense that he now uses his power of influence to fill this huge automotive event with all kinds of new car excitement.
TMCP eBAY Pick: {1972 Plymouth Duster, Former Race Car!

One day each week we’ll list a cool project car or a nice driver for sale here from eBay Motors. Visit us every day, or just click the flame to get it via e-mail! “1972 Plymouth Duster, It’s a former race car, but would make a great project!” Today’s Car: 1972 Plymouth Duster Late husband […]