TMCP #392: Sean Holman of The Truck Show Podcast; Loud, Proud, and Sometimes Annoying – Ask Rick, Why Isn’t All Shipping “Free?”

In this episode I spoke to Sean Holman, half of the Lightning and Holman duo that hosts the hit podcast “The Truck Show” for Motortrend. Mike Finnegan introduced us and the two shows have collaborated on a few things over the last year. Sean has always been fascinated with automotive topics and trucks but his start is not the typical story. Early on, Sean obtained a degree in criminal justice and wanted to be an officer. Unfortunately he did not like the bureaucracy and started looking for alternatives to his chosen career. On Sept 11, 2001 he was working in a Boeing factory working security supporting the Shuttle missions and had to make sure the plant was shut down and secure right after the attacks. Employees were watching the skies and listening to silence, unsure of what would happen next. Sean made the jump out of security right after that, by making contacts at Primedia and working his way into being the associate editor of Truckin’ magazine.