TMCP #412: SEMA Show Special 2019 #2 – Kyle Tucker: Detroit Speed’s Square Body Truck Suspension, Scott Bowers: Ron Francis Wiring, Larry Callahan:, Jeff Teel: Holley Performance Products Dual Quad Sniper EFI, Kevin Huth and Jordan Henke: The Tokyo Trans Am
This weeks installment is the second LIVE from the show floor episodes from SEMA 2019. This year was not only epic as an overall show, but also epic in the number of interviews with the best-of-the-best in the industry that we were able to conduct! This second show features Kyle Tucker from Detroit Speed, Scott Bowers at the Ron Francis Wiring booth with Larry Callahan the Godfather of Pro-Touring, Jeff Teel from Holley Performance Products, and Kevin Huth and Jordan Henke from JH restorations with their “Tokyo Trans Am – my favorite car of the show!
TMCP #376: SEMA 2018 Show #2 – Scott Bowers of Ron Francis Wiring , Jeff Teel of Holley Fuel Injection, , JH Restorations ’66 ShockR Mustang, and Randy Johnson of D&Z with Optima Jim McIlvaine with his ’69 Cyclone
This weeks installment is the second of multiple LIVE from the show floor episodes from SEMA 2018. I was able to wander the floors of the show, see some trick products, catch up with industry leaders, and just have a little fun with friends. In this second installment I talk with Scott Bowers in the Ron Francis Wiring booth, Jeff Teel at Holley, Chris Blue and Jesse Henke by the ShockR Mustang, and wrap it all up with Optima Jim and his 69 Cyc