TMCP #391: DIY Alignment: TMCP Listeners Get 15% All QuickTrick Alignment Tools with Checkout Code “QTMUSCLE”! – April’s “All Electric Speed” Pro-Touring update with Larry Callahan

This week I talk to Gil Winningham from Quick Trick Alignment products. You may remember hearing the name before as I had Tess Winningham on the show back in 2015. Gil has stepped in since then has been working hard on social medial and promotions ever since. He is also a racer and spends weekends at the track with the QuickTrick Honda Accord and also helping out other racers with alignments.
Gil’s step dad Gary created the system to help him change alignment settings at the track or at least to save himself from hauling his race car to an alignment shop every week. People at the track saw this invention and wanted one for themselves and a business was created. Gil says that QuickTrick is always adding new products that enhance the portable alignment tool and save customers time and money.