TMCP #482 – In Memory of Dallas Kibbe, My Dad

This week will be a very short show as I am occupied with an event that I hoped would never come, but knew it someday would. My father, Dallas Kibbe, passed away from multiple issues that eventually the doctors could not overcome and he left this world to be with my God and my mom. I loved the time I spent with my dad and he left his mark on my life and his grandkids lives as well as many around him. He always encouraged my passion for vehicles and loved the shows I created with my friends. The last couple days were a special gift and I did get to use the Chevelle to bring back memories for him even if he was not strong enough to take one last ride. 

Thank you listeners, for the amazing support in this time of grief. The show will be back soon and on track so thank you for this short intermission as I spend time with close family and friends.

Thank you Dad, for all of the lessons in life and for being my best friend!

-Rob Kibbe