K&F Show #60: The Return of Hughie Hogg – S3 Episode 18 of the Dukes of Hazzard

It finally happened. Somehow, some way, today is the first day in K&F Show history that we’ve had two actual real advertisers in the same show. It’s epic. And it involves underwear and books too (and maybe even books about underwear).

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DUKES REVIEW: For this show, it’s all about a new story for an old bad guy. Do you remember who Hughie Hogg is? Hughie is Boss Hogg’s nephew who is effectively a younger, greedier version of Boss. Boss brings him into town from time to time to get his help framing the Dukes, pull heists, and groom him for future evil deeds. Now you’re up to speed. This episode mostly revolves around Hughie tricking Boss into giving him all of his possessions in order to avoid an IRS audit. As soon as Hughie has everything he wanted he renames the town after himself and establishes a world that kind of resembles that one time in Back to the Future II when Biff was powerful in the alternate 1985. Maybe that’s a stretch here, but this is a tough episode to write a witty summary of. Anyway, the IRS audit was just a ruse set up by Hughie in the first place, hijinks ensue, and then the Dukes have to help Boss get out of the mess by working together with he and Rosco. Happy Gilmore’s Grandma has a role in here too. (Really). 

As mentioned in this episode, Kibbe’s new baseball tee is coming to Kickstarter on Feb 27 2018! It took years to get here, but it’s finally here. Check out the details and signup for earlybird Kickstarter pricing at http://www.magictee.io
