Folks, this has been a long day coming. Over the next few weeks you’re going to see some changes here at The MuscleCar Place, and the good news is that you’ll get to pick what those changes might be!
I know that a lot of you out there have loved cars since the day you were born. I did too. Like me, I’m sure that a lot of you have always wanted to do something in your career related to cars but the reality of the situation is that it can’t pay the bills. A real job, a real career, or a real business can’t possibly revolve around something as silly as loving the smell of tire smoke, can it? 3 years ago I’d have said no. Today I’m here to say that it can, and The MuscleCar Place is proof of that. (By the way, the planning of The MuscleCar Place began about 3 years ago.)
It’s time to take The MuscleCar Place to the next level, and I want to do that by changing this business to be COMPLETELY what you’d like it to be. That being said, I’m a fairly horrible mind reader (ask my wife) and to insure that I don’t make a colossal mistake I’m asking your help. I need to know what you want. More specifically, I need to know where you’d like me to aim. Do you want to change careers to something that involves your passion for cars? I can help. Do you want to know how to race your car on the cheap? I’ll show you how. Do you want to restore a car with your son or daughter to create some lasting memories? I’ll guide you! Would you just like a place to find project cars? We’ll make it so!
We’re going to put out a few surveys to help dial things in. This week’s survey can be found here and starts with a section a lot of you have asked about; career changes:
It may seem a little strange that a muscle car website would be sending out items such as this, but since The MuscleCar Place is my baby I’m going to take a risk and assume that some of you out there might like to have a baby of your own. Career changes don’t happen overnight, but they do happen, and it can go a lot more quickly than you might think.
As an incentive to taking the survey, all survey takers will receive 2 entries into the $200 TCI Gift Certificate Contest!
If career changes aren’t for you, not to worry. Next week I’ll have another crazy set of questions to ask you, but do know that I’m drilling down to find EXACTLY what it is that we can do to tailor The MuscleCar Place into your favorite place on the web, a helping hand, or something in between!
-Robert Kibbe
Thank you! Survey completed!