Vacation Time: Muscle Cars and Airplanes!

This week’s blog post will be a little short as I’m trying to get everything cleared off of my to-do list before July 27. Once that day hits I am officially “off duty” until August 1…or at least only on part-time duty. July 27 is my daughter Emily’s 5th birthday, and I’m planning to take […]

When Is It The End of the Road?

This week’s blog post is going to be a bit different, as the topic is sort of muscle car related in principle, but mostly related to the fact that I get completely emotionally attached to my 4-wheeled friends. It has come time in my business that having a full-size three-quarter ton truck would make life […]

The Chevelle Build Update: A New Frame!

Since it’s been a while since my last update on the Chevelle build I thought I’d take a little time to document what has happened since I last wrote about it. In my last installments I’ve documented that: The Chevelle made it to Allison Customs in New Mexico Was disassembled  and examined Required a truckload […]

Congrats to Patrick Foy – our iPod Touch Winner!

Congrats to Patrick Foy, who won an iPod Touch by signing up for our newsletter at the Good Guys show in Des Moines over the 4th of July Weekend! Patrick told me, “I am very happy to have won and I thank you very much. I have visited The Muscle Car Place website and love […]

The “Red Headed Stepchild”

Note from Robert Kibbe: For those of you who are regular readers, this blog post was written by Wayne Davis of Colorado AMX Motorsports. Wayne opened his shop recently to chase a dream he’s always had and is someone I really thought you’d enjoy reading from. We’re trying something new here at The MuscleCar Place […]

Come Join Us at the Heartland Nationals!

If you love muscle cars, hot weather, fireworks, and a state-fair like atmosphere be sure to come visit is at the Hearland Nationals in Des Moines, IA July 1, 2, and 3! For the first time ever The MuscleCar Place will have a booth at the show in the Varied Industries Building. Stop by and […]

Video Blog: Rob’s Review of Cars 2

This week’s video blog is a review if the Disney/Pixar movie, Cars 2. If you were hoping for a sequel as endearing as the first movie….you’ll need to keep hoping. That being said, on the Parent’s Scale of 1-10, where 1 means, “If I hear this movie one more time over my minivan speakers I’ll run this sucker off of a bridge,”, and 10 means, “I could listen to this movie time and time again,” I’ll give it an 8.

This is my story (and I’m sticking to it!)

Note from Robert Kibbe: For those of you who are regular readers, this blog post was written by Jeff Allison of Allison Customs, who is our newest contributor, owns the shop that is building my Chevelle, and is a close personal friend. We’re trying something new here at The MuscleCar Place by adding in contributors […]

Statistics Don’t Lie – Muscle Car Careers Rock!

Folks, the results from our survey launched 2 weeks ago are now in, and the results are incredible. Nearly 72% of you out there would like to change careers into something automotive related! First, I must thank you all for participating. I had originally planned to put out several surveys of different topics as I […]