If you’ve found this page you are (hopefully) here because you’re looking for the Cars For A Living Survey that we’re running. Both Dan and I really appreciate your input in helping us create C4AL in a way that helps you best and serves the areas that you most care about. While we have our dreams for C4AL and what we think it can do, the best way EVER to find out is simply to ask your customers what they’d like best, right?
Here is the link to the survey: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/KGXDLQ2
The survey should take about 5 minutes – and the last person that takes it wins a $25 VISA gift card. When will the survey end, you ask? Not sure yet, but sometime in the weeks before SEMA 2012…..and probably the second after you take it. 🙂
Rob & Dan