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Under the Hood – Art Morrison Enterprises
In this episode of Cars For A Living I (Rob) had the chance to do a full interview with Art & Craig Morrison, the father and son team that is at the helm of Art Morrison Enterprises. Those of you that follow the TMCP Network of shows will remember that Art & Craig were recently on The MuscleCar Place podcast show, and there we talked about their years of building race cars, as well as their Tri-5 chassis’, muscle car chassis, custom project, and more.

In this show however they agreed to come back and talk strictly about their business, and give details on how they’ve made things work, how they’ve grown, what excites them, and (honestly) what still scares them (even after entering into their 5th decade of business).
During this interview I asked what things helped them really become profitable, and what their keys to success were. They were honest and shared that creating, manufacturing, and selling great products (chassis, suspension parts, etc.) is what worked best for then, far better than doing hourly based work on customers race car builds. I think there’s a real lesson in that, for certain.
I think you’ll enjoy hearing Art’s stories of how he made ends meet when he was just getting rolling (even before Craig was born), especially the part about how he created decorative metal sculptures that brought in a great deal of his income! I also asked Art if he had ever considered giving up in the early days…..and he most definitely had, many times, and for many years. It turns out that Abe Lincoln was right; persistence pays off!
Thanks again to both Art & Craig – we GENUINELY appreciate you time and openness!
We Need Your Help!
Dan and I shared this in the beginning of the show, but we’ve just recently kicked off a survey that we’d really appreciate you taking a few minutes to complete. Long story short, it’s time to take Cars For A Living to the next level – far beyond our little podcast show – and while we have our ideas on what we think would be best, it’s truly YOU who know best what you’d like us to do! Here’s the survey link. We’re also giving away a $25 Visa Gift card to the first and last survey responders!
Wrapping Up
We’d love to get your feedback on how how you deal with these issues as well as what you’d like us to concentrate on for the next show. Feel free to simply reply in the post notes below, hit us up on Facebook or Twitter, or shot us an e-mail!
-Rob Kibbe & Dan Kahn
If you’d like to send in a question for the show for us to discuss, feel free to send an e-mail to the address below or leave a comment on our Facebook page or on Twitter. Be sure to sign up for the Cars For A Living newsletter as well and look for exclusive content to come your way there that WON’T be on the website!
E-mail Us at: robanddan@themusclecarplace.com
Click here to listen to all of the previous episodes of Cars For A Living!
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