K&F Show #36: Our Review of Hal Needham’s Epic Fable: “Megaforce”
So…we’re in between Dukes of Hazzard seasons and decided to throw in another movie review to take a brief Dukes of Hazzard break. Finnegan suggested (more like insisted) that it be Megafoce, the 1982 epic movie that Hal Needham directed and starred in. Here’s the good news: the movie has lots of crazy vehicles, a few funny lines, and stars Edward Mulhare who would go on to play “Devon Miles” from Knight Rider. Here’s the bad news: there’s really no other good news of note. The movie ends with a flying motorcycle on a green screen, and Barry Bostick wears a spandex (or lycra?) suit with no regards for underwear. Finnegan gives it 8 lazer-guided corndogs. Kibbe gives is a generous 3. Hijinks Ensue.