TMCP #554: Ask Rick – Whats The Big Deal About SEMA? – UAW Strike, The Real Flaw In The System – Henry Ford “X” Engine – Listener Questions – Cars Picks of the Week

It is now October so be on the lookout for ghosts and ghouls at Halloween. This is time for costume parties, trick or treating, and another riveting Ask Rick segment were I ask him the tough questions that not everyone wants to hear! As always Rick delivers sage advice and wisdom founded in years of buying and selling classic vehicles. In this episode we waded into the topics spanning from “how do I store my classic vehicle” all the way to “how do we fix our broken governmental system.” As always the answers are entertaining, polarizing, and sometimes surprising.
TMCP #480: Ask Rick – To SEMA or NOT To SEMA? That is the Question!

It is October and time for the spooky boys and girls to get their costumes ready for some trick or treating fun! It is also time for another impactful and insightful Ask Rick segment with our friend Rick Schmidt. In this episode we broach the exciting topic of what exactly is Rick’s favorite candy bar? Other topics include the upcoming SEMA show attendance and why the 1993 Ford Mustang Cobra R model is so sought after.