K&F Show #282: $4000 to Toys for Tots! Movie Review: Christmas Vacation – The Gift that Keeps on Giving the Whole Year!

Our annual Toys for Tots Drive is now completed! Each year we use funds from Patreon to make as big a contribution as possible to Toys for Tots, and this year our goal was a whopping $1,500. And guess whay? Thanks to you wonderful screwballs was have far surprised that ad will hit a total contribution of $4,000!!!!!!!
Geoff Howard, you are our most deserving Patron!! The “Like a Boss” Wall Hang is coming your way. Please PM me your details!!
We’d love for those of you who joined in on Patreon to stick with us in the new year. We’ll have one more show before Christmas just for you, too!
Join up via Patreon at patreon.com/KFSHOW
Presented with Holley – Back for 2024!
Phase 3 of Kibbe and Friends is officially here, and Holley is back for more fun, foolishness, and flying orange Chargers!
You have just a few shopping days left this season to get what you REALLY want before Santa buys it all for everyone else. Just visit Holley.com to peruse and view for yourself and signup for the mailing notification. Once you go and buy ….. be SURE to tell them that we sent you!
K&F Movie Summary: Christmas Vacation
The last real family man Clark Griswold himself takes on Christmas. When I saw this movie in the theater in 1989 I was the age of Rusty. Now, I’m the age of Clark. I can relate to Clark….I love the lights, I underestimate a lot of things, and like Clark I just want to give my family the perfect Christmas. This movie spawns from the writing genius of John Hughes and the comedic delivery of Chevy Chase and Randy Quaid. Not only does it have the famous scene with the RV dumping into the street sewer, but it has all of the scenes that you can’t help but watch over and over again! Clark drives under a log truck, then gives a speech in the mall about logs that’ll leave you not seeing the line, his idiot cousin in law shows up to annoy him to death, but that huge beastly bulging man ends up bringing him the gift that Clark really needed – his Christmas bonus, and perspective on what really matters. This one is a mele kaliki mai of a good one and short of having the Baby Jesus in a manger, it has everything else I love about Christmas.
See you soon. Join up via Patreon at patreon.com/KFSHOW
Kibbe, Corndog, and the Bern!
National Parts Depot Presents: Bernie on the News! https://www.npdlink.com.