The thrill and terror of driving a real man’s car

I read a lot about fast cars, and I like to drive as many as I can.  I also listen to a lot of TV , radio, and podcast shows about cars, and one of them made a point that seems so simple, but yet so correct, that I really wish I’d thought of it.  […]

Ford Recalls Mustang For Being Too Cool

Sometimes when you see greatness you simply have to tip your cap to it, and pass it along.  I’d love to take the credit for this one, but I can’t!  This is from our friends at The Onion! Ford Recalls 2010 Mustang For Being Too Cool DETROIT—-Ford officials issued a massive recall of the entire […]

Can you steal your car’s soul?

Every now and then when I connect with other muscle car people I notice that we talk about our cars as if they’re people, as if they’re alive, and as if they have a soul.  Bob Smith from Smith Bros Restorations was on one of our most recent podcast guests.  He and his brother restore […]

Chevelle Groundhog Day 2010

How long will it be until muscle cars can roam the roads in the Midwest?  Apparently it will be another 6 weeks….. ================================= -Robert Kibbe | Muscle Cars for Sale

What bad economy? Muscle cars still sell like hotcakes!

Now that the first round of January 2010 auctions are behind us it’s time to take a guess at what 2010 will hold for the world of classic muscle cars……and my guess is that it’s going to be a great year!  It’s been said that regardless of what happens in the economy, toys will always […]

Buying and Selling Muscle Cars at Auction – the January 2010 Guide

Since January is here it is not only the start to a new year – it’s the start to a new auction season!  January has traditionally been “auction heaven” when it comes to collector cars, and the last ten years have been incredible for muscle cars!  Arizona in particular is a hub of automotive auctions […]

New Muscle Cars Unveiled at the 2010 Detroit Auto Show

Here at The MuscleCar Place we typically feature the ’60’s ’70’s era muscle cars that we all know and love…but truth be told, a lot of the new muscle that’s coming out of Detroit right now is stirring the same emotions that the old stuff does. Since the 2010 Detroit Auto Show is being held […]

Goals for you and your muscle car in 2010

Happy 2010!  It’s a new year, so it’s time to make a leap on some muscle car goals!  Here are the top 7 things I would like to see/do/buy, and all come right back to my love for my old ’64 Chevelle (the car that started The MuscleCar Place)! 1) Drive the 2010 Hot Rod […]

‘Twas the night before Christmas…..muscle car style

‘Twas the night before Christmas And all through the garage Not a muscle car was stirring Except a big red Le Mans Santa’s sleigh was short it’s reindeer Because they had all come down sick So Santa called upon his Poncho Because he knew it could do the trick The elves all went straight to […]

Muscle Car Snow Day

If you live in the U.S., and especially in the Midwest, chances are that you are familiar with the concept of a Snow Day!  As tradition goes, the night of a snowstorm young kids (and sometime adults) everywhere cling to the radio and TV….hoping to hear that school is canceled tomorrow and they get to […]