K&F Show #61: Corndog’s Full Blown Spectacular: How to Return a Screen Used, Jumped, and Cut Up General Lee to Full Glory

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Finnegan had the flu for this episode and could not leave the toilet long enough to record a show. He gave it the ‘ol college try though. And then he returned to the ‘ol toilet. As such, we brought in Corndog to pinch hit and discuss the restoration of his screen used (and jumped) General Lee as well as review this week’s Dukes of Hazzard episode. He’s literally restoring what’s left of his car (basically the cab of the car) back to full Charger status, to it’s TV configuration, and he’s doing it with original parts that he collected from a dumpster. Several dumpsters. A plethora of dumpsters, you might say. (None of that was a joke). Listen and learn. Also, we never made it to that Dukes review though because (basically) Corndog’s OCD love of all things screen used General Lee took over. I couldn’t stop it, nor did I try. That would be like asking a flower not to bloom or a bird not to sing, right? -Kibbe
Still reading? Thank God. Here’s another plug for something. Check out KFSHOWShirts.com to get yourself a Kibbe and Finnegan Show t-shirt. They’re awesome and all proceeds go to support the people that make this show happen. And now it also goes to the General Lee improvement fund. The General likes the speed parts! Thanks for listening and supporting!