TMCP 378: SEMA 2018 Show #4 – Nate Stacey: IMSA Roush Road Racer, Rick Love of Vintage Air, Heidts Suspension on Tri-5 Chevy’s, Will Baty of Centerforce Clutches, and Classic Recreations making BRAND NEW Boss and Mach 1 Mustangs!

This weeks installment is the fourth and last of our LIVE from the show floor episodes from SEMA 2018. This time Bernie and I talked to Stacey of Roush Performance Road Racing, Todd Westberg of Heidts Suspensions, Rick Love from Vintage Air, Will Baty from Centerforce Clutches, and we learned about licenced BOSS and Mach 1 Mustangs with Jason Engal from Classic Recreations. It was a pretty great week!