K&F Show #316: Christmas 2024 Season Finale! Movie Review: “Christmas Chronicles”

KF Patreon Peeps, as announced as many places as we could we are going FULL BORE for our annual Toys for Tots Christmas donation! Last year thanks to YOU we donated over $5,000. This year we would love to hit $5,000…so if you have not yet joined us on Patreon, we’re asking – nay – begging you to do so this moth. If you’re a Patreon member already, could you up your donation – even if it’s just for this month? We are planning to do our donation at the end of the day on Dec 16. Whatever we have in the kitty goes to the kids!
If you prefer, you can send one-time contributions to:
PayPal: https://paypal.me/TheMuscleCarPlace?country.x=US&locale.x=en_US
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Presented with Holley – Back for 2024!
Phase 3 of Kibbe and Friends is officially here, and Holley is back for more fun, foolishness, and flying orange Chargers! Once again we’re proud to be associated with the historic name that has made cars fast for years and years, and their innovations continue forward (as always)!
Visit https://www.holley.com and tell them we sent you!
Christmas Movie Review: “The Christmas Chronicles”
K&F Show Summary:
Merry Christmas! I addition to our year end Christmas Music spectacular game we are pleased to bring you our review of “The Christmas Chronicles” movie starring Kurt Russell. This movie may portray the coolest onscreen Santa ever…and he even knows how to drift a Challenger! This review originally aired in KF Show #281 in 2023.
Movie Summary: Two kids who have lost their dad to tragedy are on the very edge of tragedy themselves…the tragedy of not believing! Teddy the older brother is turning to crime, and Katy the younger sister is innocent. They catch Santa in the act at their house, jump in his sleigh, scare the bejesus out of him, lose the reindeer and the presents, crash the sleigh, steal a red 2009 Dodge Challenger, jump it, end up in jail, then a chop shop, and then have to get it all back together by Christmas morning or the world explodes. Even worse, during the chaos they also lost Santa’s magic hat, which is the think that makes the sleigh fly! At the end though they make it just in time to Save Christmas and Santa finally reveals (in the coolest of Kurt Russell moves) that the hat was a ruse. As Santa Claus himself could (of course) fly the whole time and the whole crazy night was to show Teddy – who was suffering from the loss of his dad – how regain the belief in something himself, and something far bigger. If you’re only in it for the cars, the Challenger shines wonderfully. We believe Four Star Motorsports did the prep….and we THINK we have identified the Canadian stunt driver too!
Rating: 10 Little Debbie Christmas Cakes!
Legit Movie Info:
The Christmas Chronicles
Release Date to Netflix: Nov 22, 2018
Directed by:
Clay Kaytis
Story by:
Matt Lieberman
David Giggenheim
Produced by:
Chris Columbus, Michael Barnathan
Kurt Russell
Judah Lewis
Darby Camp
Kimberly Williams-Paisley
Oliver Hudson
Dodge Challenger Stunt Car Preparation (we think):
Four Star Motorsports: www.fourstarmotorsports.com
Original Airdate: 12/19/1980
National Parts Depot Presents: Bernie on the News! https://www.npdlink.com.
Join up via Patreon at patreon.com/KFSHOW
Kibbe, Corndog, and the Bern!
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