K&F Show #65: Finnegan Finally Gets His Charger – and Our Review of the Best Flying Winnebago Ever: Spaceballs

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This episode is also sponsored by the super trendy, saavy, and thrifty people at Bombfell. Bombfell is the genius company that lets you buy great fashion, all online, all with the help of a stylist. Looking good AND avoiding the store has never been easier, and you can return if if you don’t like it. We both tried it, and as hard as it is to think we could ever look better…we did! Check it out and let us know what you think. Visit BOMBFELL.COM/KAFS to get started browsing with our $25 discount! Thank YOU for supporting us!
MOVIE REVIEW: This is normally where we sum up the gift of the movie or Dukes of Hazzard episode that we had reviewed. This time though, we’ll focus on both Finnegan’s new Charger as well as the movie because they seemingly go hand in hand. On the one side you have a 1968 Dodge Charger that was configured to run in NASCAR in 1970….but it was never raced due to financial woes of the owner. On the other side you have galactic superheroes Han and Chewie…er, I mean, Lonestar and Barf cruising the galaxy in search for a solution to their financial woes. With the Charger, Finnegan can barley fit in the car without wearing a helmet, much less with one. With Spaceballs, Rick Moranis wore a helmet 24 inches in diameter that he could filter coffee through. And mutually, the both require a knock off version of “The Force” to make magic happen. 10 Corndogs all around!
If you made it this far, check out KFSHOWShirts.com to get yourself a Kibbe and Finnegan Show t-shirt – and the hoodies are back! They’re awesome and all proceeds go to support the people and Dodge Chargers that make this show happen. Thanks for listening and supporting!