TMCP #547: Mike Good – The Science of Dynamat! How to Choose Sound Deadening and Heat Insulation Without Going Crazy.

This week on The Muscle Car Place is with a great industry insider Mike Good, the CEO of Dynamat! I enjoy learning about the science and history of brands that I have used before, an Dynamat is one I’ve used numerous times for numerous reasons. I always new it to be in the sound deadening space because all of the guys in my high school used it in their “thumper” cars with the huge stereos. I’ve used it for different reasons on my cars; specifically heat abatement (headers are hot). This was my chance to learn the brand and the tech in one shot!
Mike has a long history of business leadership at the executive level across a number of different genres, even academia. He was previously the CMO of FinishMaster (automotive paints) and started a communications company that was really good at tracking things through software and GPS. He has been interested in cars his whole life and has been in the industry for decades. Today he’s proud to be the leader of Dynamat, a place that can tinker with car products (and other things) day in and day out.