TMCP #414: SEMA Special 2019 Show #4 – RingBrothers, You Can’t Handle the Truth! -Mike Copeland: Building An Award Winning SEMA Car in 10 Weeks – Craftsman Tools, Coming BACK to the USA!

This week marks the FINAL episode from SEMA 2019 show, this time with the fabulous Ring Brothers, Mike Copeland of Diversified Creations, and Travis Tesluk from Craftsman Tools! This particular show is all about getting the the truth. Maybe a little too much truth, but it was a fun and you can hear it in the interviews! What a year this was. Thank you so much for tuning in!
TMCP #375: SEMA 2018 Show #1 – Ring Brother’s Chevy Blazer, Martin Klein of Recaro, Jeff Allison and Jeremy McLellan’s ’66 Chevelle Reveal!

This weeks installment is the first of multiple LIVE from the show floor episodes from SEMA 2018. I was able to catch up once again with old friends of the show, see some amazing cars, and hear about some great products. This first installment is Bernie’s interviews with the Ring Brothers, and Martin Klein of Recaro. I also caught up with Jeff Allison of Allison Customs and Jeremy McLleand in the Ron Francis Wiring booth.
TMCP #339: SEMA 2017 Show #1 – Ring Brothers, Prestone Antifreeze, Tim Strange, Jeff Allison and Scott Bowers of Ron Francis Wiring

This weeks installment is the first of multiple LIVE from the show floor episodes from SEMA 2017. I was able to catch up once again with old friends of the show, see some amazing cars, and hear about some of the great products. This first installment is with the Ring Brothers, Colin Dilley of Prestone, Tim Strange of Strange Motion, Jeff Allison of Allison Customs and Scott Bowers of Ron Francis Wiring.
TMCP #304: SEMA 2016 Show #2 – Rich Waitas of Magnaflow, Lance Stander of Superformance, and The Amazing Ring Brothers!

This weeks interviews are again, LIVE from the show floor at SEMA 2016. This second episode is with The Ring Brothers Mike and Jim, Rich Waitas from Magnaflow, and Lance Stander, CEO of Superformance. This was a very fun show to record.
TMCP #232: SEMA 2014 Show #3: Ring Brother’s 1000 Horse ’66 Chevelle, And Inside the OUSCI Driver’s Meeting (*Sneak Peek*)!

SEMA 2014 Show #3: Ring Brother’s 1000 Horse ’66 Chevelle, And Inside the OUSCI Driver’s Meeting (*Sneak Peek*)!
TMCP #200: Bernie McPartland – LIVE SPECIAL REPORT – Barrett Jackson 2014!

This weeks podcast is a LIVE report from the Barrett Jackson Scottsdale Collector Car Auction by our own Bernie McPartland. Bernie checked in from this “lifestyle event” where nearly 1400 collectible cars are being sold in front of over 300,000 people!

This weeks podcast is actually several interviews from the 2013 SEMA (Specialty Equipment Market Association) Show. Over the next couple weeks I will be bringing you several more interviews from the show as it is a great place to meet people, learn new things, and see some pretty amazing cars.