TMCP #549: Jason Chandler of Auto Metal Direct – How to Make Brand New 50 Year old Cars!

This week on The Muscle Car Place is a great interview with Jason Chandler, Director of Marketing at Auto Metal Direct (known in the industry as “AMD”. As of late I noticed that AMD had released some of the “un-ob-tanium” parts for ’68 and ’69 Charger restorations, nearly to the point that a person could build an entirely new car from scratch. This peaked my interest, so I asked Jason for the details. It turns out that you nearly could build one of those cars now… well as a few others (and trucks), all from new metal! ’69 Camaros and Square-body Chevy trucks are both good to go, and a few others are close as well. I needed the details!
Listener mail: Rob, A few years ago I shared with you my goals and plans for my Tesla powered 1940 Chevrolet. Well, after a lot of work, set backs, and strange gremlins, I finally got to the track this summer. I put together a video summarizing the track test, and wanted to share it.