K&F Show #268: Clay Millican Wins NHRA AGAIN!; Movie Review “Dirty Mary, Crazy Larry”

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Note: This movie review originally aired in Episode 99 of the Kibbe and Friends Show!
K&F Show Summary: In the mind of Corndog, this movie is the ’69 Charger movie of movies. I think he’d even rather have a DMCL (screen used) Charger than a screen used General Lee. He’s crazy, because this super weird 1974 box office smash starring Peter Fonda is a whacked-out example of what happens when directors and actors all use drugs while making a movie. The only redeeming thing is the stunts and the Charger. Al Wyatt, Jr is in it though, so maybe this is where he and the Charger first melded together to form the most dynamic duo ever on automotive cinematic history. Watch it for the car stunts and the helicopter flying and skip the rest. (Editor’s Note: Kibbe is the only one of the three of us that feel this way, but since he’s the guy that types this stuff up his opinion is what counts the most, apparently.)
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