TMCP #416: The 2019 Christmas Show: The 11th Annual Feature Interview with Santa Claus Himself!

For a record eleventh year in a row I had the pleasure of having on the most sought after person this time of year. He makes it a point to come on this show every Christmas and marks this as his ONLY official media interview he does each year (everyone else is a fake!). Our interview was with the big man himself, the baddest sleigh driver ever, Santa Claus!
2019 was an amazing year at The Muscle Car Place with many incredible sponsors coming on the show and Santa was generous enough to acknowledge their generous sponsorship’s. He also had some interesting things to say about the new Star Wars and answered some facts about himself for our listeners.
If you would like to hear any of Santa’s interviews from previous years, you can find them here on the website! It all started in 2009 with Episode 28, then followed annually with Episode 67, Episode 114, Episode 160, Episode 197, Episode 233, Episode 270 , Episode 307, Episode 343 and last Christmas in Episode 379 We even had Santa on for our gigantic bonanza Episode 300 Celebration show!
We would like help good kids find where Santa is this year with the Google Maps based Santa Tracker and Holiday calendar! Check it out!
Thank you to everyone who made 2019 such a great year and thank you Santa for another great interview!
-Rob Kibbe
K&F Show #15: The Great Santa Claus Chase – S3 Episode 9 of The Dukes of Hazzard!

So, you may have noticed that we’re reviewing this episode out of order. We had to. It’s Christmas time and through the entire 7-season run of the Dukes of Hazzard they only made one Christmas show. If it helps, we also covered Die Hard (a great Christmas movie) in this podcast too.
In this episode: the Dukes save Christmas by stealing a truckload of Christmas trees back from Boss Hogg (that he initially stole from them) and deliver them to the good people of Hazzard, all on Christmas Eve. To keep Boss and the real bad guys confused, Bo, Luke, and Cooter all dress as Santa Claus and deliver trees using identical Ford long bed trucks all going in different directions with as much zaniness as possible. To add to the mix, the 3 crooks are also dressed as St. Nick making for a total of 6 wacky Santas. After the crooks are foiled Boss and Rosco spend Christmas Eve sharing gifts and singing carols with the Dukes. The General jumps a loaded car carrier. Santa Claus is heard doing a low fly-by over the farm. Hijinks ensue.
TMCP #270: Santa Claus 2015 REVEALED – Santa’s Sleigh Mods to Travel the Globe in a Single Night and the Update.

Santa Claus 2015 REVEALED – Santa’s Sleigh Mods to Travel the Globe in a Single Night and the Update.