K&F Show #78: The Lost DukesCast Archive Returns: Our Review of S1 Episode 3 of the Dukes of Hazzard!

As you’ve heard by now….we’re taking a little break from running traditional ads right now. That means that right now the only support for this show is coming from you! Consider this your no-guilt-yet-kinda-begging request to take a look at contribution to our show on Patreon. We have $1, $2, $5, and $10 monthly options available – or you can just do something of your own choosing too. In addition to our undying love, Patreon supports will receive an exclusive once-per-month Q&A show with us – no holds barred! Our next one comes out next week for the July 2018 show. You can jump in by visiting www.patreon.com/kfshow. Thank you, thank you!
So…remember those first four lost episodes of “DukesCast” of the MuscleCar Place that we did prior to launching the Kibbe and Finnegan show? Nay, you say? Well friend, let me recant. These DukesCast episodes were the ones where we reviewed the first four episodes of the Dukes of Hazzard, found our footing as broadcast partners, and launched K&F to a multiple Charger owning real world scenario. Since that time, presidents have changed, babies have been born, and the USA landed yet again on the moon (don’t believe what you haven’t heard). This, this is our chance to right the wrongs and replay for you the third installment of DukesCast with a full review of Episode 3 of the Dukes, as we did back on The MuscleCar Place (Episode 280)! In other news…Charger have to be fixed right now, people are traveling, and we couldn’t record this week. So this’ll have to do. ;)!
One last thing. We’re supposed to push the merch even more now that we’re not running ads! So, to get a shirt just go to http://www.kfshowshirts.com. We’ll be adding in stickers, decals, and other cool stuff in the future too. Want different colors? Let us know!