TMCP #373: Holy Fiberglass, Batman! Mark Racop of FiberGlass Freaks; Making Screen Accurate and Brand New 1966 Batmobiles; Pro-Touring Update with Larry Callahan

This weeks interview is with Mark Racop, founder and owner of Fiberglass Freaks, builders of 1966 Batmobiles that are Officially Licensed by DC Comics!
At a young age Mark was fascinated by the Batmobile and knew he had to have one of his own someday. This was no passing fancy or little boys dream, it was a definite passion. During high school Mark and his friends decided to create a fan fiction batman episode and of course they had to have the ultimate prop to do it with. Using very limited resources and a 1974 Monte Carlo the boys built from scratch the car now known as Bat-One. Later on the television studio finally re-released the entire Batman series and Marks dad recorded all 160 episodes on VHS. Mark spent many many hours watching, pausing, and replaying the tapes for clues on how the vehicle was built. There are pictures of him at car shows posing next to the show vehicles and even these family photos got pulled into use as reference points.