K&F Show #293: The Most Fast and Furious Rundown of Every Single Dominic Toretto ’68-’70 Charger!

As most of you know, our Patreon audience has the INSIDE access to the KF Show. The year 2024 will be an important one for Patreon specifically and if you’d consider jumping up to the $5 level it would sure help. The $10 level will remain and we now have a brand new $20 level as well! All members who join at that level will receive a sticker swag pack in the mail, you’ll be IMMEDIATELY entered in the monthly prize grab, and you’ll receive a phone call from one (or all) of us to chat up whatever you want for 30 minutes!
Thank you SO MUCH to those of you who have joined in for the extra content that is only for Patreon supporters. To get in on the action and support the show with a minor financial contribution just click the link below to sign up.
Join up via Patreon at patreon.com/KFSHOW
Presented with Holley – Back for 2024!
Phase 3 of Kibbe and Friends is officially here, and Holley is back for more fun, foolishness, and flying orange Chargers! Once again we’re proud to be associated with the historic name that has made cars fast for years and years, and their innovations continue forward (as always)!
The 2024 Holley LS Engine Giveaway is underway! Not only do you get a killer engine….but you get $5000 in cash as well to help offset the income tax due as well!
Check out the specifics at https://www.holley.com/win/lsenginegiveaway and tell them we sent you!
K&F Show Summary: For your listening pleasure (and for absolutely no other reason) in liuue of a move of TV vehicle review we present to you something a little different. This is our full breakdown of every classic Dominic Toretto driven ’68-’70 Charger from the Fast and Furious movie franchise, from the beginning in 2001 to current day (April 2024 as of this recording).
As you know, the series that started in 2001 with a bunch of VCR thief stealing family members has become a 20+ year action franchise. Dominic Toretto (as portrayed by Vin Diesel) has been the lead character nearly everyone one of them, and Dom has a thing for MOPARS. Beyond that though, he has a SERIOUS thing for ’68-’70 Chargers (with the ’70 being the primary).
We don’t claim to be as solid with the F&F franchise as we are the Dukes of Hazzard, but we did our best. At worst we spend an absolutely ridiculous amount of time discussing ridiculous franchise doing ridiculous things with flying Dodge Charger. Basically, it was perfect for us.
See you soon. Join up via Patreon at patreon.com/KFSHOW
Kibbe, Corndog, and the Bern!
National Parts Depot Presents: Bernie on the News! https://www.npdlink.com.
K&F Show #262: We Don’t Have Friends…we have Family. The OG Movie Review of “The Fast and the Furious”

Presented with Holley! https://www.holley.com
Holley is the company behind Nitrous Oxide Systems…..but thanks to the FF Franchise it’s better known as “NOS” (pronounced “nawsss”). It’s exactly what you think it is, and it does exactly what you think it does. Need a 125HP shot on your 200 horse daily driver? Go for it. It’s America, bro! Check it out here: https://www.holley.com/products/nitrous
Check out the brand new KF Show Shirt! It’s the CNH 320 Edition: https://teechip.com/themusclecarplace
K&F Movie Summary: With the premier of Fast X this weekend we decided that it was time to feature, nay, prepare for the onslaught of awesomeness that is coming. Accordingly, please enjoy our fully loaded rundown of Fast and Furious franchise trivia followed by the original review of the original movie (from Episode 44 of the Kibbe and Finnegan Show. ) Finnegan loved the movie. He also loved mini trucks. You be the judge.This of course is a 20-plus year automotive franchise that took bunch of VCR and DVD player thieves to the stratosphere of international spies…..and proved that you can somehow do a burnout – AND a wheelie – and the same time. Jack Gill – who got his bones in the stunt world via the Dukes of Hazzard – has been the stunt coordinator for this series….and even Dukes stunt man Corey Eubanks was involved in the flipping of the bus in Fast 5. More importantly, this series pays attention to US. You’ll always see a car or two in here – sometimes in a major roll, that came right off the SEMA Show floor.
Fast X was supposed to be the finale of the series….but, just like those damn Marvel movies, this series prints money.
Picture Car Coordinator Dennis McCarthy has basically figured out how to make ‘68-’70 Chargers from carbon fiber and cheez-whiz at this point, so we say keep e’m coming!
National Parts Depot Presents: Bernie on the News! https://www.npdlink.com/
Patreon Peeps, the year 2023 will be an important one for Patreon specifically, and if you’d consider jumping up to the $5 level it would sure help. The $10 level will remain and we now have a brand new $20 level as well! All members who join at that level will receive a sticker swag pack in the mail, you’ll be IMMEDIATELY entered in the monthly prize grab, and you’ll receive a phone call from one (or all) of us to chat up whatever you want for 30 minutes! Thank you SO MUCH to those of you who have joined in for the extra content that is only for Patreon supporters. To get in on the action and support the show with a minor financial contribution just click the link below to sign up. http://www.patreon.com/kfshow.
Click to join our super secret KF Show Only listener email list..just in case we get blocked from every social and podcast platform! https://forms.aweber.com/form/48/1311263948.htm